Sunday, July 07, 2013

coffee thought...

July 7 11:04 am

 It is baked in the city today-

 A baked apple to signify the hot humid sweltering mess of NYC. It is 11am and 88 degrees with a severe heat warning in effect. Let me explain something to you- back in the day I would be all about running thru an open fire hydrant to cool me down- dodging cars and trying to keep the clothes on.
Today- as I am older and am moving slower. Second it's just too hot for all that.

But I'll take it.
I am on my way to pic up a white dress..
Just FYI for those that want to have all crazy dress code requirements for your destination wedding please note... ain't nobody got time for that..
Oh and this is the afternoon temperature in my car.. what are we in the Sahara?

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