Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hair Stories

What I find fascinating

About this whole natural hair 'revolution' <-- as portrayed by media and bloggers that I have been natural my whole life.
Naturally ...
I remember from waaaay back when my Nannie used to do some Shirley Temple curls with my hair-complete with me sitting on the floor between her knees and her tugging my hair with the tortoise shell comb and whacking me in the head when I was not pulling my head in the opposite direction causing enough tension. I am sure everyone has had this moment...
I remember wanting a Jheri Curl sooo bad (or an Escurl- whatever that was).
I remember wanting a Perm or relaxer. I wanted to have that straight straight hair. My mom wisely would not get one for me. So I saved my pennies and bought one myself. I remember the "test" strip I tested the perm on fell out. Good thing I read those instructions and tested a one inch strip of hair so I only had a bald patch instead of a real disaster...
I remember my first wash & set. I thought I was so fly (for 20 minutes until it got muggy outside and my hair shrunk)
I remember moving upstate and going to a non-ethnic beauty salon where the lovely boy decided to wash my hair and try to blow dry it and did not understand why it was so curly, so he decided to put some mousse in it and use a curling iron- to which he said (as my hair was smoking) this is supposed to do that-- and I walked out of there looking like homey the clown. I knew I didn't look cute- but thankfully my mother gave the brothers the "if you cant say something nice don't say nothing at all if she comes out looking like a troll doll" speech before I got back in the car.
Luckily as I got older and got hair-wiser I kind of figured out what not to do. I don't always know what to do but I mean I do look decent.
My hair does all types of whatever it wants when it wants.
I can get caught in the rain and go swimming. What's the big deal?
I remember watching my baby God did getting a perm like at 5 years old. y God-mother putting the perm in cause babygirl didn't want her hair brushed/combed anything anymore. She was so tenderheaded, and after the perm she was loving her hair.
All this to say that it is interesting to see what everyone is talking about out there and how folks value hair and how we as a culture and society value each other in relation to the dead follicles on our head.
that's all...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Take you daughter to work today

Today was take your daughter (or son) to work today. I loved how this was implemented to make sure lil girls saw the importance of hard work and that there were women in the workplace. It reminds me of not necessarily going to work with mom to actively see what she does. We dropped her off and picked her up as kids. I always remember her being tired and working extremely hard. Extremely hard. Then after dad passed, mom worked harder. I remember her days at caldor, lord and taylor and finally Lipton / Unilever. She was extremely talented in customer service- doing her best and taking time to make sure customers had the best service. While she sometimes got frazzled at the last job (who doesn't)- she would tell some magnificent stories about the things people would do to their food. One particularity funny story was with the product "I can't believe it is not butter" spray. The claim on the packaging is 0 calories per serving. A serving is aprox 5 sprays. So one unstrung woman called to verify how many calories of this spray can she put on her popcorn. Mom replied with the standard serving size. Woman replied what if that is not enough- She needed more butter and it would stand to reason if she dumped the whole everloving bottle on her popcorn it should still amount to 0 calories. Mother insisted that the claim is per serving size and she would effective make herself sick/ probably stop her damn heart if she did that. So mom advised against that. Woman wants to argue her down. Mom said she would note this call and her address in case paramedics are needed later on.
I miss my mommy.

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Sometimes I find it funny that in this world when someone else gets what they want folks cannot seem to stand it. Like the world only revolves around them and their attitudes. Life ain't fair. As my co-worker says
Deal with it.

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This is that time

Where I wish I had a wealth of knowledge in the relationship department that I could impart in the world. This is one of them times that I wish I could kind of reach back and let my former self know that risk is worth it. Remember... I am worth the risk. Remember... I am also worth the wait and if he does not see that or if he did not see that (then) but (now) it is truly not worth it.
Remember that.

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coffee thought...

Keep it simple and trust your instinct

Simple enough advice this morning.

that's all...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

You know

I find that some women are mischaracterized as the angry black woman and some people exemplify that very misogynist racist term. If every time someone asks you a question and the first thing you do is steady yourself - take a deep breath, roll your eyes and suck your teeth simultaneous as you proceed to not answer someone verbally but that whole display non verbally said f*off- AND you a female.
Then you may be angry.
You know what?
You may actually have a reason to be angry.
You may almost be justified.
Almost..but really???
Don't get mad when people OK me call you out your name cause of that.
Cause I will - - - and I do.
And I make sure you know that I know your name PLUS I know this alter ego & I understand BUT will not tolerate it.
that's all...

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Monday, April 16, 2012

some things are never enough

it kind of seems the more you do the more is expected of you...
OK no problem (in my Theo Huxtable voice)...
someone said 'with great power comes great responsibility' [maybe that was a Spiderman movie that said that] either way the same can be said about life..
the more you do the more is expected of you.
You do a good job-eh welcome to the club.
You do a great job and it is EXPECTED that you do a great job again.
and again.
and again.
and that you continue to do a good job + great job because you get no points for just showing up.
How fair is that. 
Let you NOT to a great job and then the good job you turned in is not even acknowledged.
How fair is that?
Someone also once said life isn't fair... well OK.
I'll ignore that someone because I subscribe to balance--
there has to be light for the dark...
happy for the sad
and sane for the crazy. [can we get that sane in here...thank you very much please]
I think (so far this year.. actually these past couple of years) the crazy has been weighing heavily on the scales of life...
like a fat kid weighing down a see-saw (me) and the "fat-things" weighing me down are worries, work, worth (OK and the more-than-occasional cake cause who don't love cake!)
I need some positiveness in my life to balance it all out...
like more positive to pile on the see saw lest I never get up off the ground...
(AND just for the record I need the sustaining type of positive- NOT the temporary positive that momentarily lifts you up there in the air to immediately jump off and having you come crashing down to the hard concrete.. yeah not cool.)
just saying...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dance fever

Dance fever
On the train here. Always craziness.
Things to google while at 'work'
Top 10 vacation destinations
How to look productive when not actually doing work
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Live love love

I love connecting with my friends it
Really rejuvenates the soul
And reiterates the craziness that is my life.
What a wonderful world

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Thursday, April 05, 2012


Thinking that I survived the day
the dreaded day
A reminder of the past has passed
and I am still here.
Should be living
enjoying life
trying to make a difference.
Trying and trying.
Sometimes I feel like it works.
Sometimes I feel like I am lost.
Sometimes I forget to feel.
Sometimes it is more than a person can bear.