Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bake some love

Happy bake some love day! I got a cookie as i exited the train @14th street. Love NYC freebies!

Friday, November 20, 2009

This is the part i hate...

20-Nov-09 12:55 Pm
this is the part i hate...
right now i am currently in minute #20 of sitting under the hair dryer at the hairdresser. what i cannot stand is that apparently i have about 40 minutes to go. there is something about just sitting here that really really annoys me. like the waste of minutes as i just wait for the follicles to get dry or the thoughts that i should be doing something else or the fact that my spanish is really not up to par enough to speak to these ladies in their language & we communicate in our limited head nodding and no/ yes speak. or the fact that while i am sitting here while the hot air is blowing on my head i have thoughts escaping my head just as fast like oh man did i pay my student loan this month? wait it is direct debit so that should come out soon...wait do i have enough left in my account? oh i have to finish cleaning for turkey day oh man who is cooking what?
yeah many thoughts and nothing can be acted on while i wait.
i really am not a patient person.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

poem of the day

"to someone particular"

i admire YOU love

I admire your strength, your reserve

your persistence, your you.

your hopes, your dreams,

your wants, your needs...

i admire your struggle, your falls,

your faith, your stance,

your conviction, your character

and in all that you are

and all that you are striving to be, i admire you.

i admire your love because

I want love

that makes me want to fall and hurt myself.

I want soul

that makes me know you again.

i want heart

that makes me love again.

i want light, that will make me shine.

i want faith that will help me stand

struggle that will make me appreciate

joy that will make me laugh...

i want your love that will make me whole again.

mac & cheesey goodness

Last night, I went to dinner @ this place I been dying to try called S'MAC which is a macaroni & cheese place located in the village. Oh the choices cause 1st I LOVE a mac & cheese. 2nd you can build your own and make all kinds of concoctions and yum! 3rd it is Manhattan priced (so my dish was like $12.00 w/ drink) but OMG. it was great (i had something similar to hamburger helper as it had chopped meat in it & with added ketchup it was GREAT).

I highly recommend this place. enjoy!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

coffee thought...

my coffee today has the logo "a taste of Europe in your cup"
i am wondering if this is truly what Europe taste like? i kind of thought Seattle was where everything smelled and tasted of coffee being that the Starbucks machine grew from there? and what about Juan Valdez? i am sure he would have something to say about this...
maybe there will be more explanations at the bottom of my cup.

that's all...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

So the battle is kind of won? Now what?

The current battle I am referring to is the battle that was me against the insurance company regarding my mothers insurance. Now you know me, I am a writer & I am a person who uses and chooses words carefully so you can imagine my interpetation when I get a letter from them "you have been approved for your mothers death benefit"
I now have the ability to benefit from my mothers' death... I mean are you serious? Who writes that? Isn't there any other way this could have been phrased. What does this mean? I was /am still a bit shook up at the phrasing and the thought that this is the end of the fight...I feel like as long as I was fighting for something there was a piece of something still out there and a hope that the truth was she was still .... i mean rationally i know these things aren't the case and basically this was literally the final nail in the coffin but dammit...
so now what? how is one to feel about this? what are me & the brothers supposed to do?
(yes I know, whatever we do make sure we honor our mom)
I am still a bit put off by this whole thing so I rationally will need time to process...

Monday, November 09, 2009

3 more google images...

So today AGAIN my day is brightened with the wonderful WONDERFUL Google doodles celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Sesame Street (one of the more pivotal shows in my childhood)
ha ha ha (this one is the Count & the Google doodles are numbers= genius!)
from Sunday *11/08/09- elmo says yay Google!
from Saturday *11/07/09- the grouch & Google! a great combination!
**all images courtesy/property of google!

Friday, November 06, 2009

hey bert...

hey bert.... heyyyy bert!!! yo bert... i love sesame street best friends Bert & Ernie.. they are the best. And interesting fun fact One of my favorite movies "It's a Wonderful Life" had two characters (the cop & the taxi driver) who helped George Bailey... yeah their names were Bert & Ernie...
*all images courtesy of google...

Thursday, November 05, 2009

C is for...

COOKIE-- there is never a better time or place for cookie than when Cookie monster is there...

i want a cookie!

*all images courtesy of Google...

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

coffee thought...

sans coffee and sans thought as I catch up on life...
that's all...

sunny days!!!!

chasing the clouds away
on my way to where the
can you tell me how to get
how to get to
you get the rest.....

*all images courtesy of Google...