Monday, April 16, 2012

some things are never enough

it kind of seems the more you do the more is expected of you...
OK no problem (in my Theo Huxtable voice)...
someone said 'with great power comes great responsibility' [maybe that was a Spiderman movie that said that] either way the same can be said about life..
the more you do the more is expected of you.
You do a good job-eh welcome to the club.
You do a great job and it is EXPECTED that you do a great job again.
and again.
and again.
and that you continue to do a good job + great job because you get no points for just showing up.
How fair is that. 
Let you NOT to a great job and then the good job you turned in is not even acknowledged.
How fair is that?
Someone also once said life isn't fair... well OK.
I'll ignore that someone because I subscribe to balance--
there has to be light for the dark...
happy for the sad
and sane for the crazy. [can we get that sane in here...thank you very much please]
I think (so far this year.. actually these past couple of years) the crazy has been weighing heavily on the scales of life...
like a fat kid weighing down a see-saw (me) and the "fat-things" weighing me down are worries, work, worth (OK and the more-than-occasional cake cause who don't love cake!)
I need some positiveness in my life to balance it all out...
like more positive to pile on the see saw lest I never get up off the ground...
(AND just for the record I need the sustaining type of positive- NOT the temporary positive that momentarily lifts you up there in the air to immediately jump off and having you come crashing down to the hard concrete.. yeah not cool.)
just saying...

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