Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Blogs from the past or (BFTP)

Ever notice how some things have cool acronyms that one easily refers to & everyone knows what it is? You know like AA or WTF or TGIF? Or put those in another order and have TGIF, WTF, need AA. <-- funny how those came to mind but I digress...
Well, I have found a few of the blogs from the past that I think are humorous/ entertaining and just plain special that I think I should share them...BFTP!!(ok it is not as snazzy as the others...) but I will post these sporadically while I will still comment on the regular doings of life... feel free to re-read (if you read them before) & enjoy as if you have never seen them before.

Here's one to start...
February 7, 2007

7 second blog
current mood: confused
category: Automotive

Might I ask why I was driving down Malcolm X Blvd last night in Harlem,
Oh excuse me the newly renamed ‘upper Manhattan’
Looking at all the gentrified areas and particularly noticing the new multi-million dollar condo that is about to overlook the northern part of Central Park when I see it
A RED hand indicating Don’t walk
And a White Man indicating OK to go.
I mean WTF?
Yes I have seen the signs before; they have been around for a minute now.
But do you remember when the signs actually read
Walk, don’t walk
Apparently some folks didn’t get the memo that
R.I.F (reading is fundamental)
And they now had to adjust all the signs to this.

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