Tuesday, February 10, 2009

poem of the day


I am getting mixed signals and the messages aren’t so clear…
I am fearful of the reactions that will come if I just ask you what you want.

If I just ask you what you want
I can’t guarantee that I am that something
that something you will need.

You should take this opportunity to recognize
that I am capable of making various dreams and fantasies
a fact instead of taking that wild guess.

Assuming instead of what you want how about I just give a little taste of it back.

I am competent of providing just the right amount
to make you not wander and fall &
I am proficient enough in my skills to have you wanting an encore of more and more.

through all this I am still confused.
Fearful I am not that one

I do recognize
'that look'
all by the way
you avoid my eyes

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