Friday, February 13, 2009

13 de friday

yes yes today is friday the 13th!! <--cue scary music and phobia's....

whoo hooo friday the 13th!
see previous post on the random craziness of "Friday the 13th"

today brings about a few GREAT thing (amazing, I know) It is amazing to me caus it is really it is all about perspective...

#1- Today is Mel's 34th birthday.(happy birthday to you/ happy birthday to you/ happy birthday dear melvin/happy birthday to you) ironically this is his first birthday without mom as she was here last year to wish him a happy day...this was the day she was officially diagnosed last year. sucks to be mindful of this; but on to happier thoughts.. last night we had CG and had some cheesecake to celebrate the joyousness of it all & Mike got Mel a present...the 'Ove' glove. NO self respecting chef travels without one. [yo this has been a running joke between them for years and the look on Mel's face says it all]. Suffice it to say there will be pics to follow...

#2 i got the promotion. yes i am entirely excited (MANAGER NOW) as this is the same job that i was denied for a few months ago. (i think what is yours really is yours, no? YES) i mean does this stop my progress?? OH NO, no as this is just a stepping stone to my final destination. but beyond that i mean i get an office, i have to effectively manage folks. i have to be creative (you think this works for me??)

#3 it is valentines weekend and while i am without love in the 'oh i want you to be mine' love sense i do have a great support of friends and family (so cupid is stupid! HA HA i can blame him, right?) i may go get a massage this weekend or a mani/pedi to make myself feel better

#4 i think i may be able to take a vacation this year (where?)to somewhere which would be fantabolous...

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