Monday, March 14, 2011

Gods purpose for crazy people.

these are some notes from a service that I listened to recently... entitled

Gods purpose for crazy people.
It is much harder to be a Christian than it is to be just human?
What is a Christian?
Who is a Christian?
Devotion to any system can be faked. One can always appear to believer but to actually believe is harder than "faking belief(s)".
You can practice a religion but it may never truly affect your life, never make difference if you don't live your religion
Character is harder to get than new clothes. (Word...and there are A lot of folks walking around here naked in character...)
A mean spirit is uglier than any tattoo you may get. (Ditto for being hard to remove as well)
Some people don't want to be good, they just want to look good i.e just want to deal with the outside and not with what is on the inside.
We resist Jesus calls- and he wants us to have a deeper relationship with him.  Our relationship with him challenges how we treat each other.
Love somebody.
Try it... cause everybody wants you to believe we know how to love someone. But how many people love themselves? Do you want that on you???
Dealing with the perception of who we think we are- he knows the truth.
Love your neighbor and hate your enemy- so they thought it was. We should love the enemy too- we are aspiring to do that. We need go do BETTER- we need to learn how to live with them crazy people. That blew my mind.
 Listen to this:
Crazy people will make your life hard- they will make you miserable. You may know some crazy people...Jesus knows that if he puts them in your life they will make you pray and test ya... I gave you crazy people to get on your nerves AND to give you patience... (really?)
Agape in Greek= love??? Define that for yourself...
We should take joy & pleasure in crazy people- he needs us to be joyful to them/ find joy in them/ show love to them/ love them. Show principled love in them he wants us to be perfect.
Maturity as an adult is something that is (perceived as) perfect - dealing with people will make you trust and talk to Jesus...
in reading this over I truly need to be thankful for all of the oddities in my life and the folks that come along with that..
forever grateful...

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