Sunday, January 30, 2011

coffee thought... & horoscope...1/30/11

I made some coffee today- umm yum. just a lazy Sunday, right?
right.. i got to do some laundry, put up the Christmas decorations that I took down after Christmas, cook some dinner (baked chicken, rice & salad), find parking on the correct side of the street (across the street but above the line for the school- really school parking is still in effect with all this damn snow on the ground) prepare for the upcoming snow storms (Tuesday on) i have to finish shredding these old papers/ bills i found (one bag o'junk down- 498 more to go) and then i have committed to writing/ typing more of my fiction INTO the computer so i can make progress of this work (word) then lay out clothes for tomorrow (a more progressive/organized me would take that thru the whole week- alas that is not I) and finally exfoliate which I have planned to do for 4 weeks now. FUN.

oh take a look...

Gemini Horoscope for January 30, 2011

You've worked hard for everything you have. So be proud of your accomplishments ... despite how they may compare to other people's. Everyone is on their own journey through life, and comparing yourself to others doesn't create healthy energy. Today you're challenged to keep a harmonious balance between being generous and conserving your gains. When push comes to shove, it's wiser for you to err on the side of keeping what you have.

...I kind of am feeling that right about now... don't take it personal.
Have a safe, warm & productive Sunday!
that's all.

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