Wednesday, January 12, 2011


for those of you that know me...know me know me....really know me...know that

i can't fry chicken.

seriously, and even in my admission of that statement makes me have to look over my shoulder to make sure 'they' don't come to take my black card away. <-- by the way, this fictitious black card? what does it entitle one too? has anyone every received the gift o' the month just by presenting this black card? has anyone been skipped to the front of the line with the black card? has anyone gotten out of jail free with this black card?? maybe it would work the other way around with that, just a thought...

Anywho even if the other things were in question (about ones' blackness) like hair type (remember the good hair vs. not good hair argument) or the skin color (dark vs light) or education level, or how many children you have, or brothas you have slept with, or how many times you have seen the color purple-- you could kinda sorta get a pass if you could fry chicken.

Sadly, i am lacking in a few of them items listed above including the frying of the chicken- a staple in the African-American household. So like any other determined black woman I decided, "never give up, never surrender" and vowed to try it again.

Rewind- I guess I should tell you how the previous chicken frying experiences turned out. First time, it looked like a pretty golden brown chicken- inside was utterly raw. Second time, was totally sopped in grease and sooo nauseating that it was just wrong. The third time I tried, let's just say there was almost a fire extinguisher you can see my reticence in trying again.

This time, I called the expert (grandma) and questioned her- her chicken frying skills are legendary. She told me (after hearty laughter) that is it not that hard, heat the oil, batter the chicken and fry. Thanks grandma. Then I called on bro #2 cause well, he has fried chicken before to my knowledge and is still alive. I questioned him: how hot does the oil have to be? do you put the oil in a hot pan or a cold pan? do you season the chicken before or after you flour the chicken. do you put seasoning in the flour? how do you know it's done? how many times do you turn the chicken over? when do you put the hot sauce on? <--- see soo many questions!!!!


perfectly fried chicken that actually tasted good & was edible.

*score 1 for the 'good haired' black chick.

1 comment:

beks said...

lol, the chicken how to questions were priceless.
"the good haired chick" (eyebrow raise)....