Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Random dream- bridges over water

Dream- bridges over water

I had a dream that I was under this bridge and trying to figure out how to get across the troubled waters. The bridge looked to be a combination of wood and metal but I was in a grassy area and I was stuck. What was interesting is that I know I couldn't go over the bridge because there was a troll on the bridge blocking my way (scary troll at that thus I was trying to hide and move at the same time). Upon the water/ currents I see fish in the water (reddish/ orangey ones) and I know they are dangerous to me- but I HAVE TO CROSS THIS BRIDGE.  Staying still is not an option- but as much as I am trying to look for materials  to build a boat or a pole vault (why I think I can pole vault over this big ass water is besides the point) I cannot find anything to make into some sort of assistance. On the other side there is comfort- safety there/ stress-less awaits me there as I know this troll thing won't be after me and I know I would be safe. Now- I have the desire and the where-with-all to try to craft tools to get out my situation but I just can't. And my mind is racing against the rising current on this sunny day. Odd. 
I woke up very frustrated and mad at myself for not being able to get myself out this situation that apparently I got myself in. 
Is this my life? 
Who is the troll? Trolls belong under the bridge- so by me being the one under the bridge am I the troll?
Am I subconsciously blocking my own way (as a troll nonetheless) and do I really lack the skill set to help myself?
Am I that helpless that I can't cross a raging river full of pariahs and eminent death to get to my safety?

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