Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Gemini Extended Horoscope- July 1

Gemini, Daily Extended Horoscope, Tuesday, July 1st:

You started talking yesterday -- well, talking more as of yesterday -- and you haven't quite been able to stop yet. Fortunately, you've had an admiring, appreciative audience who hasn't wanted you to stop, not even long enough to take a breath. But you're tired now. Your batteries are beginning to wind down. Better make some witty closing comments and find a place to hide out -- with one last admirer, of course.

so what is great about this horoscope is that there was enormously great conversations to be had on the vacation with the ladies in Aruba. We chatted and laughed and the most craziest things but what was the best was the affirmations we shared with each other, and what the ladies said about me.
One of the more memorable sayings about me as Modern Day Perfection- because of the way I carry myself and the way I am- who I am being.
I loved that they saw me. They were able to
see me.

Sent from my iPhone

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