Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2013.
I literally fell into the new year twisting my ankle in the process and hitting my head on some marble steps. Not something I had planned on doing, however since I never started a year like this (on my ass in pain and confusion) I figure- things can only go up from here.
1) to be kinder to me.
2) to release myself from debt
3) to have more fun
4) to leave work at a reasonable hour so I can have a life and not let work be my life.
5) to FINISH my fiction book. Yes. Completion. This year. Oh joy.
6) to continue on my healthy and spiritual path
7) to be there for my friends/ family- and recognize [and handle accordingly] those that are not there for me
8) reciprocate
9) to be organized
10) love.

that's all...

1 comment:

beks said...

cute shirt!