Sunday, January 13, 2013


Jan 13, 2013 9:48 pm Sunday

"You are being tested and being tested only makes you stronger"
"I don't think it's working for me." -Edith- Downton Abbey

There is something about this sentiment that resonates with me. There are more than a few times when I think whatever THIS is- THIS is not working. There are times that I feel that "this is only a test- if this had been an actual emergency..." then what?
Would my life have been 'over' or would my life just begin?
I don't know.
But right about now the words that are meant to comfort a 'jilted at the alter fake spinster' are not at all comforting for a 'never been to my alter/ don't think there is an alter in the cards for me' real live spinster.

that's all..

Oh and definitely thinking/ reminiscing/ knowing the 27 years my dad has been gone is something that still no words can cover.

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