Tuesday, January 15, 2013

To all

To all

The inconsiderate players of this game let me be clear- do not ask for my participation if you are unwilling to tell me where the game is played- or hell what the game is for that matter.
(And to be clear since I took a communication quiz at work for our professional development and I scored the lowest in directness)
1) do not ask me to "step my game up" if you don't know how many hours I am already putting into YOUR cause by choice- not by your demand. How about you step up to the game and attempt to play.
2) how about you don't forget to include me in the updates of progress because let's be for real- you don't forget to include me on the monetary requests.
3) let us all be considerate of other people's time, energy, skills, concerns etc- because just because 'there is a lot going on over there' {with you} does not supersede 'there is a lot going on over here' {with me}

that's all...

Sent from my iPhone

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