Tuesday, February 21, 2012

coffee thought...

Ahh it is already Tuesday and you wish it were Friday???
Well, welcome anyway.
Today's thought is brought to you by the letter C as in Very Large Coffee.
It is the day before Ash Wednesday (commonly known as Fat Tuesday) and this is the day of general debauchery that is generally followed by the solemness of the Lenten Season. Typically during Lent (if you didn't know) is when Catholics tend to 'give up' something [or add something in their life] that will symbolize and direct our attention to God {As in we give up something material and during the 40 days we do without this material-ness and we lean more to our faith etc... or we add something meaningful and worship worthy and this brings us closer to God}.
Where am I this year?
As a kid, I used to give up chocolate (cause i used to consume that in masses that were unhealthy [gluttony] and I loved me some chocolate.)
Last year, I gave up coffee-- truly a difficult thing but something that actually was OK as I found out that I didn't  NEED it as much as I think I do on a regular basis... tho I am not gonna try that again this year cause I mean we already crossed that bridge, right??
I can add something to my life-- reading scripture per day or something along them lines...
What to do what to do....

but anywho... so Fat Tuesday.... if I were in Mardi Gras I would be getting beads and having a good ole time. I have never been (on the bucket list- don't want to be in a bucket when I end up there) but one day one day. Today, will figure out something to do in celebration (drink at work perhaps?)

Stay tuned...

that's all...

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