Monday, September 08, 2008


so as part of my job, i assist students in their pursuit of Higher Education, which is a very interesting form of employment in itself.. but what is innovative about today is there is an article in the NY Times about this student and his need for $$ to go to school. Yes, it is an actual solicitation for $$ for school, while innovative and bears in mind the ask and you shall receive mantra..
This is almost right up there with the all too familiar "you need to help me since i am an African prince and need you to hold $20 million dollars. just send me your bank account info, etc etc..."
i am not to sure how to feel about this.
On the one hand, University is expensive. Plain and simple, it costs alot of money to attend a great institution of Higher Education. I truly believe in the value of a great education, and that cannot be replaced by anything.
On the other hand, cost of education and affordability is a reality. This is something that is not hidden during the application process at all. I mean one truly knows on the outset (when purchasing a car) that it costs upwards of $50,000 for a Lexus and deciding to get into one is YOUR CHOICE... Just like there are other schools/vehicles that will get you to your destination in life, there are other ways of making it work.
I also believe that while you get what you pay for, the cost doesn't make it everything. Just cause you pay $50 for a piece of chocolate, does not make it any better than a Hershey's Kiss.
I dunno, maybe I am biased because I worked DAMNED hard for my education and am STILL paying for it while i am in service to others...
Something has got to give...

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