Wednesday, June 11, 2008

kinda cute...

Today, I am quite chipper (pre-caffeine) owning to the fact that I got some GOOD sleep last night (aided by expired muscle relaxer pills) so the thought of the daunting commute to work had no effect on me today.
As I decide on the outfit to wear (today it is a tan simple button up dress with a red patent leather belt cause I LOVE an accessory) I think, “Hmm, kinda cute today,” and go about my business of trying to make it to work on time.
SOOO I start to carry myself kinda cutely.
My daily commute usually involves a 2-minute walk to the bus stop, bus to the train station, then 2 trains & a slight walk to my office. (Hello NYC commuters!) Since I don’t have a functional coffee maker at home, all this is done pre-caffeine- a highly risky task for all the people (including myself) who attempt to engage me this early in the morning. I make it to the bus stop, bus driver is like “hello pretty lady” I politely respond good morning sir (I am slightly British, so semi-proper) and he is like “ooh, and a sexy voice” considering when I get on the bus, he is about level with my “girls” (well, they are more like grown women’s since girls denote growth still & if these puppies are still growing, then I am in trouble, but I digress…)
I get to the train station and my train is there. This diva doesn’t run to the bus, nor run to the approaching train...I saunter. Yes, it is a learned skill- lessons start at $9.95; and sure enough, train conductor holds the train door open for me. Thanks! Usually, right in your face, slam! And the inevitable announcement “there is another train behind this one”
I make it to work (still late, but I am sure once I get here, and they witness the cuteness I got going on all will be forgiven) and I wonder, what made this morning such a good morning pre-coffee? Coffee is what it normally takes to make me crack a smile in the am.
So I guess I ask & answer it must be the kinda cute in you today. Well, what does “kinda cute” look like? Since everything is ‘checking out’ today, I am kinda feeling myself and am damn proud of the 2 feet I have to walk on (*and wear cute shoes on), and the 2 arms I have (*to hold the ones I love close), and my head on my shoulders, et al( to think, feel breath & live).
Life is good…
On my way to get coffee to make it better

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