Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Today is not just another day

I mean as in it is a Tuesday. It is a work day. It is a day. It is also a date I remember to have changed my life- literally 29 years ago. I don't know how appropriate it is to celebrate a death or passing-- more so I want to acknowledge that it happened
What type of person would i have become?
What kind of person am I? I like to hold on to these ideals and memories that were my daddy- the things I can plainly remember. I kind of think of the things that I possibly made up in my head- was there really a Heineken incident? the thoughts I have of my father and his love or his presence is ever present and I guess a part of me. But are you sure?
Long ago, people used to say I reminded them of my dad- I guess facial features or complexion or just demeanor? I took pride in that - that i was/ am a part of something. It made me feel less like someone who has nothing or no one in this world. I know my mom said some things sometime- that voice silenced by cancer 7 years ago.
What am I trying to say here?
That who I am apparently is tied to what happened this day and while I can say this does not define me it is a part of me- not apart of me.
Anyway, what one thing has one definition?

On another note, one of my friends is going thru something difficult with their parent at this juncture and it is amazing to see what children will do for their parents. I tell you love is definitely something.

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