Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Coffee thought..

'Things just sound better when you say it, huh?'
Know what? I would have to say yes they do considering sometimes the delivery of the message can affect or effect the persons receptiveness.
Discipline and love delivered in the various methods follow suit- sometimes you don't got to beat something over someones head for them to get it (save for the hardheaded learners out there)...
Now a few years ago I invited sparkles to this transformative process/ workshop called Momentum Education. She politely declined joining my 'cult' (her words) and said she don't need nothing like that. Fast forward 6 years and she has joined a similar version of this process and is inviting me along (probably because the conversation this weekend I had a crisis of common sense and was wondering what I am doing to get these results. Apparently she took her course 2 weeks ago and told no one and felt the need to see of I want to discover what I am doing to block myself) some of the things she said like  I am not a really nice person that I am just being nice to get something from folks and that my niceness is a character flaw and it is not getting me anywhere in life really made me think about the perception of nice and why everyone has a problem with it. I happen to love myself (on more days than not) and think that everyone should no has to evaluate where they are in this world and also what is our contribution to this world. I think that at times when I don't get the result I am seeking (i.e romantic love or authenticity or safely securely with a trusting relationship) I tend to question my purpose.
Everyone stumbles on the road to their destiny.
I sometimes even need to rest...but damn if I am not confident in the blessing that are for me and working towards being patient (while working RIGHT)!!!
Thank you for the reminder of 'who I am being'...
getting back to the
Courageous, Authentic, Responsible Woman that I am!

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