Thursday, October 04, 2012

coffee thought...

coffee thought.. .as I am traveling.

So bro #1 got his own place.
His own place.
 He is uber excited and cannot wait to be able to have CG at his apt. I am really really happy for him because he was like this is his "first real place" not a roomie situation/ not a sleeping on someones couch situation but his first real place. Nice... and the fact that it is down the block (golden child's building) is just like icing on the cake that he baked as he knows this area and is back with family in a manner of speaking.
Bro #2 is in "relationship bliss" as he is living with his girlfriend.  Now, save for the fact that every weekend they have had an argument, a heated discussion, a fight, a debate, a disagreement a non meeting of the minds and this cohabitation stuff neither of them has done before- it is surprising they are fairing this well.  Oh and they need to learn/ get/have better communication skills because in my opinion their communication skills suck. Then again, most people don't say what they mean and/or mean what they say- they go about this world just BS'ing the world and wondering why they getting BS back (not that I am saying these two do that...I digressed). But things are looking up for the fam. Grandma is set to have surgery on the 23rd and prayers are needed wanted and mandatory.
And me?? Well you know Me? You kinda know my deal- the 10% I can share. The other 89% I can't share and that last 1%- I just don't know
that's all...

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