Monday, November 07, 2011

June 9 12:50 am

Be that as it may
Many of the facts remains
You are not who you claimed to be.
Judge me not for the content of my character
nor my actions toward you
because they were all based in the lies you told.
Those lies you told were the lies you sold my soul for
-same as a cheap bottle of wine and a promise of better times.
You told me you loved my voice
and wanted to build with me by choice
but little did I know
London bridges are falling down
like the promise happiness
Love. (Shit)
So I loved amidst this cruel fated world
Intriguing infatuation of intimacies imagined envelope my everyday existence of reality
I kept my head up in hopes I can one day soar with the clouds
high enough from the bullshit of commute, cash and cause.
I sang loud with praise for the Lord to hear my prayers and grant me a stay of sanity.
Stay with sanity 
I walked with purpose each day waiting for
The reason I have to defend you
My choices stay with me- haunting.
You are my worst critic
And I your biggest follower.

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