Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Columbus' Discovery

well kinda sorta...

so last week i took Columbus holiday off work NOT to celebrate his infamous "discovery"of a new land..but more so to try & "discover" some new money in Atlantic City, NJ.
We (grandma, Big Mike & I) took a bus trip from in front of my old stomping grounds/ grammar school of St. Augustine School (it used to be called St. Augustine School of the Arts or SASA but there is a looong story that I will have to get to sometime..)
this is the ONLY place grandma will venture to... via bus with the other old ladies. This is her variation of a 'spa day'

at any rate, leaving my house early in the morning and traveling the 2 blocks to this school was like a surreal blast from the past...having not made that particular trip at that particular time in the AM in quite a # of years it was a blast from the past...As i turned the corner to SASA i felt i was 12 again and running late (*I was)
but yeah hopped on the bus, took a seat and promptly fell asleep.
2 hrs later, viola AC here I am & I am ready to go!
suffice it to say i didn't hit it big... the most i got was $100.00 but hey it was a fun day!

illegal pics of us gambing at the machines

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