Monday, June 01, 2015


The thing about secrets is
The only way to keep a secret is to keep it-
as in not share it
just deal with it.
Especially if it is yours...
I was in the car with my cuz and we were discussing
[all that jazz]
I was like
it's not like I... well it's...
And she was like
what are you saying???
Now, I interpreted the horrified look on her face as
a horrified look
quickly astutely changed the subject.
because burdened be or not,
since this secret is yours (mine) you (I) need not worry
if it will come out if you (I) don't share it.
sounds simple.
so simple
"it could all be so simple... but you'd rather make it hard... loving you is like a battle... and we both end up with scars..." thank you Lauryn Hill
I mean, sometimes I want to tell- tell those that don't know... tell those who i think would care...
And just be the "__________" blank woman that they think is associated with IT.
I mean insert any adjective you may think as IT
but IT is what it is.
So for a person like me, who loves to communicate and am stifled by this thing
who do I tell?

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