Friday, August 19, 2011

such a paradox:

Sitting on this #2 train and there seemed to be two Caucasian fellows looking like two regular dudes. Next thing you know they break out into Shakespeare on the train and do a scene from Romeo and Juliet complete with killing, laying on the floor, fight scene and poison (in the form of a water bottle--fitting). It was utterly cool and I was impressed (they earned my dollar), stated where you can see further performances (in some little theater off off off off Broadway) & got off train at 96 street. But who gets on next-- a Hispanic dude who is asking for some change and anything we can do to help him out. No song no dance no prose, no nothing. After the performance of the other folks, this dude is getting nothing and I think to myself -such a paradox--how some people 'work' for theirs and some people just ask.

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