Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chocolate covered

Happy National Chocolate Covered anything DAY! (yes this is a holiday that I celebrate cause who needs a reason to have chocolate covered goodness??) So with my coffee I am enjoying some chocolate covered pretzels from Trader Joes (normally I don't like dark chocolate but in this circumstance make an exception) and Oh my goodness-- it is good. If i have anymore of these I will definitely be affecting my shape of.. round.

but thinking about chocolate coveredness- MEN. Where are they? Why aren't they in my presence? Why are they not in my chocolate??

So right now preparing for this busy day ahead of me trying to breathe, therapy is happening and life is...stagnant. <-- how can I be actively working on myself and still be getting no where?

counting down the days till my vacation....

wishing my friend Beks HAPPY Birthday!!!!

OK the bottom of the cup I go...

1 comment:

beks said...

To answer ur question....
i know where the dudes are going to be saturday night. so put on a dress and a push up bra and come hang after your seriously. COME. dudes a plenty. we're RESEARCHED it... honest.