Tuesday, May 11, 2010

coffee thought...

Coffee thought
Apparently I have been slacking on the thoughts lately and this is not
for lack of thoughtfulness buy because of late 'life' or something akin
to livelihood has been happening. Thus far in the previous weeks there
have been a myriad of breakups (of two marriages & then a five year
relationship) there has been a wedding shower that was divine in it's
garden party theme and decorations so that was a huge success. There
has been random acts of loneliness that were mixed in there. T+1 is
progressing nicely (yes there is a baby in there)! And that in and of
itself is enough to render anyone mute.
This past weekend I did a piece on an open mic held by travis and
buttaflysoul and it was such an amazing event. People were receptive
to my words and that kinda thrills me. Who knows this consistent
writing thing may catch on..
The family is the family as usual and what makes them highly
entertaining is the aspect of unfairness that we dwell in.
Specifically the wanting to make sure I don't do more work than u or
that u don't cheat me out my just rewards. We are brilliant in our
mission to make it look good bit sadly we lack the looking good part
sans me who tries to look fab every time.
More thoughts on life living love in a moment...

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