Monday, May 18, 2009

i am so backed up!

literally (not in the need a colon detox way) but in the way of there were soo many things i needed to accomplish/say/write/do before
  • a) my self-imposed deadline- (which for all intents & purposes may as well been yesterday)
  • b) my 33rd birthday (gasp!)
  • c) before i got too swamped with work
  • d) before my computer crashed (yeah apparently THAT is one thing that didn't get backed up & now I am waiting for my IT guy to fix it [for free if possible] otherwise that is another expense i am not trying to budget for right about now)
so suffice it to say that I am soo behind in writing/ commenting/ etc etc that a mish-mosh of stuff will soon come..
in the meantime feel free to admire:
before: & after:
yeah i no longer have that unibrow action going on ;)

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