Wednesday, December 17, 2008

msc housekeeping items

#1-continuation from previous post (waiting for the water to drain) so plumber dude came, saw, plummed & knocked out a piece of wall & replaced another piece of pipe and snaked his way to the other apartment and FINALLY we had a clear drain. it has been 1 week since said incident and so far so good. ~(on another note did purchase 3 boot boxes just in case)
#2-also last Friday had the office Christmas party & the fact that I (with help of course) did amazingly creative,witty and fun things to make it a success and some people insist on being 'Debbie downer' really ruined my mood. basically shitted on all the efforts. whatever thats the end of that
#3-Saturday as u can see from previous post was an extravaganza of window shopping, bear shopping & movie watching (so much for cleaning my house).
#4- this is the final 4 days of work in 2009. just got to make it work
#5-Dion is home from ATL for the break & that lifts grandmas spirit. we have the annual bowling beat down on 12/28/08..last time mom was there
(apparently this turned into a to-do list or an is doing list or an on-going list...)
#6- bekas b-day was 12/16 and she turned the big 30 (yay!) this Saturday is supposed to be a smashing shindig only beks can do (w/ jai & mo of course) ~ I am excited & scared all at the same time (all the insecurities are surfacing again) whatever we keep it moving
#7- my dinner party on 12/27. on the positive side i have a menu. on the negative side i don't have a spic&span clean house nor funds to purchase said food items. this will be creative
#8-this holiday time is especially hard and i am confused as to if i am numb to my emotions or have really steeled myself & am now devoid of true emotion? like i think i am truly faking it to myself
#9- my godson turns 21 Saturday. from 9 days old to a grown yesterday it snowed.
and finally
#10-the year is ending. still don't know how to feel.
yeah I'll try to get it together soon.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uhm, i haven't gotten my dinner party invite....
i can't wait to c u sat!