Thursday, May 05, 2016

random words of yesternight and scrutiny


Soul searching seemed to stop me dead still.
I know what I want to do
You know where you ought to be 
So if I try to ignore the deeds done in the dark
Of yesternights of long ago
Will you appear?
I wonder...
Where does that leave us?
What do we have?
It seems all we have is memories
Moments mired in misery and regret...
and yet
These fond memories
The carnal pleasures past
Left my soul in shambles
And my body longing for
So subtly
I say
I know what I want to do you know where you ought to be here?

Scrutiny/ scrutinitious
Somehow someway
'Just the way you look tonight'
Is off
It is 98.4 degrees in here 
and you have on a long sleeve turtleneck 
down to your knees. 
Not meaning to look at you scrutinitiously
There is something 'off' 
about wearing your 
Dior glasses in the dead of night.
So tell me something good
"Do you believe in the power of love"

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