Wednesday, December 09, 2015

coffee thought...

Counting down to the end of the work year for me...
and almost the start of the new year.
I am oh so tired. 
Work and the current work I am doing is very draining 
and this is something I can truly say
I need a mental break from

they are always a challenge. 
One brother is trying to go back to the situation that made him 'loose it' this time around because his mind (something that can't be trusted all the time) is telling him to do so. So when you call me 3-4 times in one evening because you can not quiet them thoughts that are telling you some things because your frustrated and trying to figure out how to get back to what that was - which I maintain is not love because love doesn't manipulate and degrade you like that.  But I mean apparently love makes you crazy in more senses than one - but ultimately come on. But here are your choices- to be alone in a world that does not respect you or love you like you need or to settle and accept a shadow version of some type of love (again I maintain it is not love) in order to have some companionship.
Eh. To each his own, right?
I can say no judgement here however I am fully aware that this is judgmental as hell because I am a judgey person. 
Sir, so sue me.
that's all...

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