Friday, November 09, 2012

Coffee thought...

Coffee thought...

So. Trying to return to normalcy. Last week we were hit with a huge hurricane Sandy that cause much damage to the east coast and there are tons of people that still do not have power/ heat/ lights etc. the costs to the families, spoiled food, removing of molded items, loss of everything- memories/ important things/ identity- it is A LOT to comprehend. And people need hELP. Real honest help. this is going on 12 days and it is not supposed to be like this in a civilized country (though the definition of civilized is loosely based on real civility considering our terms of endearment towards each other and our outright distain for each other)
Anyway, I must say Fridays are something that I live for. They are almost the greatest days of the week. Almost.
Thoughts as I drink my coffee- regular employment. Again there is a person that I need to go to HR on and again it is taking a year and a day for any moment on their part. What is the point? It is like I am the one banging my head against a brick wall expecting it A) not to hurt and B) a different result. Really! Not sure when I signed up for the crazy gravy train but I have gone way past my stop and need to get off.

that's all...

Sent from my iPhone

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