Saturday, December 31, 2016

Andra Day - Rise Up [Audio]

Welcome to the New Year

You're broken down and tired
Of living life on a merry go round
And you can't find the fighter
But I see it in you so we gonna walk it out
And move mountains
We gonna walk it out
And move mountains
And I'll rise up
I'll rise like the day
I'll rise up
I'll rise unafraid
I'll rise up
And I'll do it a thousand times again
And I'll rise up
High like the waves
I'll rise up
In spite of the ache
I'll rise up
And I'll do it a thousands times again
For you
For you
For you
For you
When the silence isn't quiet
And it feels like it's getting hard to breathe
And I know you feel like dying
But I promise we'll take the world to its feet
And move mountains
We'll take it to its feet
And move mountains
And I'll rise up
I'll rise like the day
I'll rise up
I'll rise unafraid
I'll rise up
And I'll do it a thousand times again
For you
For you
For you
For you
All we need, all we need is hope
And for that we have each other
And for that we have each other
We will rise
We will rise
We'll rise, oh oh
We'll rise
I'll rise up
Rise like the day
I'll rise up
In spite of the ache
I will rise a thousands times again
And we'll rise up
Rise like the waves
We'll rise up
In spite of the ache
We'll rise up
And we'll do it a thousands times again
For you oh oh oh oh oh
For you oh oh oh oh oh
For you oh oh oh oh oh
For you

And I'll rise up

Me this year

Pictured are 12 'ME's that capture who I was being this 2016. 
There is a story behind everything that happened here- 
alas some pictures are worth more than 1,000 words... 
we shall see what this next year brings, right? 
Be blessed... 

that's all...

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

because I struggle (still)

I have been struggling with the issues surrounding the writing of this post for some time now-- mainly because if I put it into words then I have to deal with it being reality-- if I put it to print then it can never be taken back- even after you control+alt+delete it away-- the words make it real and since the words have been in my subconscious and conscious for about 5 months now I figure no peace of my mind will come until I release this piece of my mind.
Finally, a boob shot for the fans!
apparently they found something
So because I have hit a certain # in age, one must maintain the fine specimen of a being that I am (#goddess). And part of that maintaining is getting everything checked out and OK'd for the coming years. SOOOO I go in to get the girls checked out cause they there and they need some care and after the most uncomfortable experience ever- EVER- where a kind Jamaican nurse or technician is mashing the boobs on this panel so they can get a great pic of them for prosperity. And they find something that needs to be further investigated. A lump. A thing. An abnormality that should not be there. And they tell me not to panic- which is not my normal modus operandus but the minute they say do not do something I up and do that something. And I immediately think about all the things this means and why and knowing that that "C" word runs in my family and specifically my Aunt had a mastectomy makes me think

No really

as if I do not have enough shit to deal with... now this? And there are a wealth of emotions (fear/ anger/ frustration/ indignation/ stubbornness/ complacency/ avocation) along with countless tears and migraines and drinks (cause alcohol, why not?) and more sleepless nights come flooding in each and every day henceforth. Sometimes for a quick second while I am on the #6 train (yes sometimes I be the crazy black woman with tears running down my face silently on the MTA)... I pause. There are many many things I cannot change in the world, many many things I cannot help to notice that are here and we all have to deal with many many things in any which way possible. This here (whatever it is) is just another of the things I gots to deal with. I am positive that this will all work out- because FAITH- but can I be on record in saying that:

  1. someone has a lot of explaining to do 
  2. I happen to love my boobs
  3. what the fuck 
  4. why me
And I have not spoken about this to many people- just 2. Because I have my secrets (every good girl does!) and I just do not want to give power to this narrative. Not today... not ever... It just is what it is- you know?

that's all...


Thursday, November 24, 2016

coffee thought...

Heard some words of wisdom today:

Every funky biscuit has its moldy chese!!

and to that... I'm out!

that's all...

Thursday, November 10, 2016

coffee thought... VOTE!

coffee thought 💭 

Today is Election Day here in the USA 🇺🇸 and we are caught between Donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Now- I have not written anything about this upcoming election for a few reasons- specifically but not just limited to the nastiest vitriol that had been being spewed by the Donald. He went so far in one of the debates to call mrs Clinton a nasty woman. Now - they used to be friends- if not friends then cordial or human towards one another. At this time- he is actin like a petulant child 👶🏽 that needs to get beat. As in pick your own switch from off the road and beaten way. I am currently on my way to vote in this election- possibly seeing the first Woman president of these here United States. Imagine that... 8 years ago we elected the first African American president and we (America) are being all 'progressive' and what not. We shall see who knows...
But I'm with her...
that's all...

Monday, November 07, 2016

Fall back..literally.....

Grace:  Ma'am
 Sent at 4:11 PM on Monday
 Grace:  Good day
 Sent at 4:11 PM on Monday
 me:  heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
 Grace:  lol
 me:  how you doing?
 Grace:  how are you?
Im here.
In these streets
 me:  i was just reading your status' (plural)
dying at my desk
 Grace:  LOL
 me:  trying not to get fired
 Grace:  which one?
 me:  the one w the tiddies
smh smh smh sm h
 Grace:  LMAOOO
I was like. we're soft as WHAT now?
 me:  i could onky imagine your face
this dude this weekend
he outted himself
 Grace:  who?
 me:  talking about he like men to give him a BJ
 Grace:  wait
 me:  this dude i was talking to
 Grace:  whhhoooooooooo
 Grace:  where did you FIND him>>>
 me:  i damn near CUT
 Grace:  Lorddddd.noooo cries in downlow teas
 Grace:  Did he not think that was a problem??
i was like
i specifically asked you if you liked peen
or anything like that
 Grace:  Sir/ma'am... LMAOOO
 me:  i almost cut him
and politely left the dinner
 Grace:  Why did you ask him that?
Did you have an idea?
 me:  legit-- nope
 Grace:  hhhmmm
 me:  and i have a good gaydar
 Grace:  wow
 me:  basically a gay couple came in
obviously gay
and he was like eww ill omh
i was like whats the deal i mean to each his own
he was like it should be kept inside
tho they suck a great dick
i was like oh...oh.... oh you know from experience? i was joking...
he was like yeah (*NOT JOKING)
i felt myself blink MAD SLOW like for reals?
been talking to him for 3 months
smh smh
 Sent at 4:22 PM on Monday
 Grace:  Sorry. phones
hold on
What did you saayyyyyyyy???
 me:  i was like oh.. OK.
then took a long drink
and was like-- no no not ok----
 Grace:  NO! not at all
 me:  i said i specifically asked you if you was homo (sorry for the non PC words here) i specifically asked you if you liked men
he (46 by the way)
was like i aint ever f*ed no dude if that is what you asking
 Grace:  OMGGGG
 me:  then i asked if a dude ever f*ed him-- he was like HIGHY OFFENDED
like get the f outta here
 Grace:  nah, breh
 me:  then i asked have you been in jail
 Grace:  You aint got no right to be
 me:  i didnt ask that question before
he said nope
sooo i said but it is perfectly OK for a dude to suck your __
 Grace:  so you never been to jail
 me:  he was like look
 Grace:  BUT
 me:  its just a BJ
its no big deal
 Grace:  you're letting dudes but their mouths on your peen?
 Grace:  Where they do that at??
 me:  nooooo
more words
i was like ok
dis tew much
 Grace:  Ahreed
 me:  i said thanks C (charles is his name)
i'll be outta here in a few
 Grace:  wow
 me:  i finished my drink and was  out
I cannott.
Has he tried to contact you?
 me:  mind you -- we kissed
 Grace:  ughhhhhh
 me:  never sexed
 Grace:  ok good
i was like OMG
he been texting and left a few voicemails
i textged him back like you dont see nothing wrong with that
he was like it was in college
i was like i do not care if it was yesterday
does time matter
 Grace:  wow
I am disturbed
 Sent at 4:31 PM on Monday
 me:  you
he is still trying to debate me about being 'moral' and judgmental
 Grace:  wow
 me:  (this stems from a prior convo on why i would not have sex with him after like 2 months)
 Grace:  no, sir. you need to address your true label and flourish in it
you're bi
and that's ok
but not for me
 me:  no judgement but we legit saw eachother a total of 3 times--- no thank you
and that is OK for you
not for I
but he is saying it was one time
i was like ok
that was my 'fall back" weeken
 Grace:  yikkkkeessssss
No Sir
 Sent at 4:37 PM on Monday
 Grace:  I'm sorry that happened
 Sent at 4:39 PM on Monday
 me:  thanks Grace
it is just another thing...
or one thing after another

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Fwd... in more ways than one

These are the conversations I have on im with the sister from another mother about randomness that pops up in her head or out my mouth in a not so PG way but hey, I always get a good laugh. 

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Convo's @ work...

Sparkles:  what is wrong with people?
 me:  where shall i begin,,,
 me:  but good afternoon whats the issue?
 Sparkles:  :   :  oh yeah. good afternoon
 Sparkles:  :    the news talking about how they had to evacuate the met opera house cause somebody was sprinkling some white substance
how about it's his friend's ashes that he sprinkled in the orchestra pit during an intermission. exactly what made you think that was okay
in the orchestra pit? at the opera house?
during a performance
none of that made you give it a second thought
cause if that's okay somebody sprinkle me on michael ealy
shoot don't even wait for me to die. just lay me on top of him right now
maam-- you are on time out
 Sparkles:     :  why? what did i do give me my flowers while I'm still alive
 me:  is that a flower?
  Sparkles:     a rose by any other name...
yay michael
 me:  smh smh smh