Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Convo's @ work...

Sparkles:  what is wrong with people?
 me:  where shall i begin,,,
 me:  but good afternoon whats the issue?
 Sparkles:  :   :  oh yeah. good afternoon
 Sparkles:  :    the news talking about how they had to evacuate the met opera house cause somebody was sprinkling some white substance
how about it's his friend's ashes that he sprinkled in the orchestra pit during an intermission. exactly what made you think that was okay
in the orchestra pit? at the opera house?
during a performance
none of that made you give it a second thought
cause if that's okay somebody sprinkle me on michael ealy
shoot don't even wait for me to die. just lay me on top of him right now
maam-- you are on time out
 Sparkles:     :  why? what did i do give me my flowers while I'm still alive
 me:  is that a flower?
  Sparkles:     a rose by any other name...
yay michael
 me:  smh smh smh

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