You're not in the mood for loud noises, bright lights or music that's any more raucous than Hayden, or maybe Yanni. So be sure you've got the ambiance you're after, and don't settle for less. You're perfectly entitled to silence when you want it, and you need it now. Besides, you might need to get away for a couple of days to feed this mood of yours. Not a bad excuse for a trip to the country, where there won't be any tourists to deal with. Maybe a road trip? Oh, you'll think of something.
Yeah so this is my current mood and maybe it is time for an escape route of some sort... Because the things that in dealing with coupled with a few sleepless nights equals the not-so-lovely-me being all present and accounted for. Sometimes my twin (yes the evil one) needs a good run on people so I can READ THEM TO FILTH AND KEEP IT MOVING.
Yeah.. I guess before I do that I may want to vacate the premises or current surroundings...we shall see.
Flights of fancy...
that's all...
But wait- this other Horoscope says:
Letting out your deeper expressions of feeling to another can make things especially intimate right now, but make sure you express yourself clearly and are not misunderstood. The perfect time to feel "at home" with someone, either literally or figuratively. The only thing you'll not want to be is idle, the energy and vibes are too intense to just sit on your hands.
Is that for the other twin to process and act on? (basically what feels like crazy on an ordinary day?)