Car troubles - 2/22/15
Everyone that knows me knows that I love my car. I mean she is
definitely key to my freedom and movements in life.
So when my baby gives me issues I am in dire straights as to what to
do. Today I was headed to hang out with the girls at TD's home. It of

course had been snowing all damned day cause this winter is trying to make sure we know whose boss (it's you winter it's you). Yay for the covered parking garage! That is the blessing and the best $195 spent (thus far per month). Sacrifices, right?
I walk thru the snow with some drinks for the ladies and get to my lil baby. I try to start her up. Nothing. I blink because that has never

happened before. I try again still clicking sound and nothing. I pause. I regroup and think surely I heard wrong. And try again. Still clicking sound. Now, i am no damned mechanic but dammit to hell something something ain't right and I am 3 seconds from distraught (and really should not be distraught but I mean we are talking about my freedom here) and nothing. I call the girls to let them know i am not going anywhere and I am also on the
phone with another friend for moral support. Of course I have an
attitude because...why? Why why why now is this happening ? Like is there
not enough to keep my ass busy going on in this world? but no [universe] you feel fit to send me this drama.
This would be a good time to have a man in my life who I would be like
hun, I'm in trouble and he would be like ok, I got you. Period. But

that ain't my life. As I am searching for AA or AAA my home girl law and order comes thru with her car. She is like girl we got you and do you have jumper cables. Luckily sparkles gave me an emergency kit like a few years ago and I know there are cables in there and jumps my car. Let's be clear- we ain't know shit about what connects to what but 1- managed to make that connection 2- didn't get blowed up and 3- didn't get electrocuted. That is cause for celebration. So we high tail it over to autozone and I purchase a new battery. Cause the dude said it's definitely your battery. $200 later the battery installed I am able to drive over to TD's house and am definitely in need of the drinks I am carrying.
All I do want to say is thank god for sisters and the blessings that they are in my life. Lord knows I would be stuck without them.
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