Born and raised in the South Bronx, New York (USA) I figured some thoughts, words, and musings of me would be entertaining- particularly because I say what I mean and of course I mean what I say.
Yes, I am an educated African-American woman. Yes, I am a poet. Yes, I am emotional. Yes, I am strong. Yes, I am opinionated. Yes, I am single. Yes I am an avid drinker of coffee. Yes I am in constant struggle- oh and I can not spell, so don't judge [ok maybe a bit] Don't be scared, just be willing
So I took this quiz and it is surprisingly accurate for 1:30 pm in the afternoon? I guess I should find some other words to associate with... that's all...
I see us in the park Strolling the summer days of imaginings in my head And words from our hearts Told only to the wind felt even without being said I don't want to bore you with my trouble
But there's somethin 'bout your love That makes me weak and Knocks me off my feet There's somethin 'bout your love That makes me weak and Knocks me off my feet Oh baby, said knocks me off my feet
I don't want to bore you with it Oh but I love you, I love you, I love you And I don't want to bore you with it Oh but I love you, I love you, I love you More and more
We lay beneath the stars Under a lover's tree that's seen through the eyes of my mind I reach out for the part Of me that lives in you baby, that only our two hearts can find But I don't wanna bore you with my trouble But there's somethin 'bout your love That makes me weak and Knocks me off my feet
There's somethin 'bout your love That makes me weak and Knocks me off my feet
Oh baby said you knock me off my feet I don't want to bore you with it Oh but I love you, I, ooh honey I don't want to bore you with it Oh but I love you, I love you, love you And I don't want to bore you with it Oh but I love you, I love you, I love you More and more
I have got to say as I sit here and watch the annual viewing of
The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown...
it dawns on me about all the wonderful gems in it.
it is lifes' true lesson!!!
check it- Sally here is infatuated with Linus- a co-dependent blanket loving boy.
He has a great heart, and is waiting in the 'most sincere' pumpkin patch.
Now- where this notion of the Great Pumpkin came from- dunno, but he believes this pumpkin dude is supposed to bring toys and whatnot to the children's.
Anywho, his sis Lucy thinks he is crazy-
for sticking to his beliefs of this pumpkin patch...
and she tells him in a sisterly way.
Charlie Brown,
as good as a friend would do,
tells him too, but lets him go about his business- cause men.
SO basically it is Sally-
the love-struck lil sister of Charlie Brown
who volunteers to forgo trick-or-treating
[henceforth acquiring her own sweets & treats]
to 'stand by and support her man' in his dream.
Suffice it to say, when no great pumpkin shows up-
she is highly upset, and unleashes a rant on him
which includes a demand for reparations
why, at this age is this such a true life/love/relationship advice?
well a few things
1- there was no proof of the pumpkin- only his belief & his words. Now, facts have proven that for several years there is no pumpkin- but she foolishly believes him.
2- baby girl while she wanted to be there with the dude, but she also wanted her own. So she forgoes her needs and sacrifices for him.
3- when it turns out that ain't nothing happen- as in there is no great pumpkin, she wasted her time, she could have been enjoying herself with what she wanted to do
Life lesson- don't follow a man for your happiness- you have to get that yourself.
Let's not even go about the life lesson Lucy taught Charlie Brown about contracts and notaries!
This Presidency is a mockery of justice and equity and all the progress that has been made thru the years. Because with the craziness of the world we need this too? Absurdity at it's core. This administration needs to focus on it's efforts of progressing the nation as a whole.
So in the grand scheme of things, this is something that I have wanted for a while. On the bottom is the pic from our Enrollment Management Recognition Breakfast. I was recognized for my contribution to the work in the Financial Aid realm. I mean I guess this is a good thing, this lovely certificate.
The next pic is of my presentation at NASPA- specifically for their Symposium on Financial Literacy. Considering this is something I have been working on for over a year now- the Fin Ed work not the actual presentation, I think it rather cool to go to D.C. and present.
Since I am on vacation, I decided to go visit my father's grave in the cemetery. I know i am the only one that come out here when i do because 1- the brothers do not have a car 2- it is not a priority to take public transportation for them ever so 3- if i do not drive them they do not come here.
Anywho- life goes on and I do what I do.
This headstone of my father which took 23 years to purchase after a few attempts and disagreements with the family is a sight. It is emotional for me to look at his name etched in stone, conspicuous hyphen in between birth and death date.
Saw this today and had some thoughts as an individual:
one would think someone would take accountability for their actions-- let's dissect this shall we...
Unbeknownst to the writer-- wrong- as there are notifications that are sent to students when aid changes (via email) they have to check
'full summer scholarship'- wrong as summers are voluntary semesters and scholarship is granted based on application
FOUR people at Bursar- wrong as Bursar receives money (cash check etc) and they do not grant scholarship- therefore from person one who does not deal with scholarship why not go to the office that granted the scholarship?
sassily Yelled- can I get a re-enactment? is that up for interpretation?
Deadline was May 1- wait-- I assume writer met the deadline and turned in all applicable paperwork- oh no- my bad why would a student do that?
went to advisor and Dean- who helped get you the result you wanted but lost was the lesson in personal responsibility or applying for the aid since you know you need it and the consequences of said action.
Brava! well done! you too could be the next president.