image courtesy of google...
Born and raised in the South Bronx, New York (USA) I figured some thoughts, words, and musings of me would be entertaining- particularly because I say what I mean and of course I mean what I say. Yes, I am an educated African-American woman. Yes, I am a poet. Yes, I am emotional. Yes, I am strong. Yes, I am opinionated. Yes, I am single. Yes I am an avid drinker of coffee. Yes I am in constant struggle- oh and I can not spell, so don't judge [ok maybe a bit] Don't be scared, just be willing
because in the rain you wait 15 minutes for a bus to come. and then three (3) buses come back to back to back (i am on a bus in the stop and look, there goes the other two just driving by).
Oh MTA why you never go my way?
and then when i get on the train this man had the nerve to have girl scout cookies right in front of me. I spy a box of thin mints that he is about to get got for.
Enter wellness week....
Tuesday manicure courtesy of a steady hand and a morning phone shift.
Color: Grey Area (fitting)
Brand: Sally Hansen Xtreme wear.
In the train gathering my train of thoughts
This past weekend we celebrated the birthday of TD on a lil lunch cruise around NYC. Of course we took pics & talked crap about life, politics & the world. It was a fabulous time as we chatted, danced a bit & ate. Imagine this- 35 and you are a first-time mother. Wow. Definitely different from last year this time. Anywho, she does the damned thing & was extremely happy. After the lunch, we did a lil karaoke & then to her home for a surprise party. All in all a nice day. Sunday ushered in the first day of spring so spring has sprung but it is like 40 out there so no time to put away your winter coats just yet.
I have been thinking about my life (wow really) and how I think I am fairing with the passing of my mother and the tumultuous relations I have with my emotions and such. I believe thru time, prayer, friendship & therapy things are beginning to look OK. Not bad for 3 yrs. Is everything perfect? far from it. will it get better, one can only hope.
Speaking of hope, it seems that it is "OK" to not be all "someday my prince will come"optimistic about relationships/love and the prospects of it all simply because of my experiences+ my current happenstances+ the current state of affairs= making it hard to "just grin and bear it". Sometimes you (I) just want to be pissed off at the fact that here I am __<-- (insert an age here) years old and this is your life (in Ralph Edwards voice- no I am not that old). Is this what you imagined while you (I) was up many a night studying hard on them tests that we (I) needed to pass just to get into a 'good' HS in NYC to graduate with a good g.p.a. so that you can get accepted into a 'good' college and get a 'good' job. All of that was supposed to flow so seamlessly and everything was supposed to be all good. Like Theo said in the Cosby show, "No Problem", right? Oh how very wrong. And let's be realistic, who flows thru life with no problems? We (I) got that-- as well as got problems but we (I) figure with a modicum of perseverance in place progress to the pinnacle point would be achieved. I mean I never ever blemished my permanent record {wherever that is} & I did as much as I could possibly do without falling out.
Which makes me really kinda upset cause I was supposed to be over there... you know where there is. There is the place with the 2.5 kids & a yard & a stable job & a committed loving husband & a shared goals (or 3) & a sense of being in and of the world & giving back and you know all them things. I know I wanted them back then and thought that (just like everything else we work hard at) it will 'soon come'.
Well soon is passing me by and tomorrow is another day for another dollar and another promise.
So yeah, it is OK for me to have a bitter day, week, moment so long as I am not curled up in a ball on 14th street.
(maybe on 86th, they got $$ up there and maybe a rich dr would take me home...LMAO)
I just discovered I am a spinster and not in the 'one who spins thread way' either. Apparently I am a spinster in the 'one who is perpetually single well beyond the conventional age of Marrying way.'<- thanks Merriam- Webster.
Or 'a woman who seems unlikely to marry'<- again Webster you are doing me dirty. So I ask myself and the lovely people out there:
What is the conventional age of marrying? *
as of 2007 men 27.7/women 26.0
Great, the U.S. Bureau of the Census is using my lack of liking numbers + the lack of male interaction in my life against me.
So let me get this straight (as I sit here & ponder this) average age of marriage is 26 for women. At 26 I am sure I had trouble committing to a pair of shoes on any given shopping outing, I had trouble committing to any weekend event at various given times (club, bar, lounge, chill) and to which friends I was attending said outings (intellectual types? wild & crazy types? co-workers? family? others<- there were others who are undeniably unclassified.) I definitely had trouble committing myself (ok applying with any real real desire) to furthering my education/career so at at average age of 26 I was supposed to comit myself to ONE MAN IN HOLY MATRIMONY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE???? And this whole marriage thing.- like that is some damned prize (ring, get it?) at the end of the tunnel [the long and treacherous dating world of men, dogs, pigs, snakes and kissing frog-like princes? what is this a freaking animal farm?]
Wow I am so behind the curve here (and here I am looking for a curve, know what I mean?)
I mean here I am trying to get a date, trying to get someone to love men for who I am, trying to get someone just to acknowledge my presence- NOT marry right off the bat. I don't know the first thing about all that- hell sometimes
anywho, enough about the marriage, let's talk about:
(cause you can't have one without the possibility of the other, no?)
So I ask myself this question:
What is the average divorce rate in America?
The answers I get are staggering based on the age of marriage:
Age at marriage for those who divorce in America
Age | Women | Men |
Under 20 years old | 27.6% | 11.7% |
20 to 24 years old | 36.6% | 38.8% |
25 to 29 years old | 16.4% | 22.3% |
30 to 34 years old | 8.5% | 11.6% |
35 to 39 years old | 5.1% | 6.5% |
so check that out-- had I been married at the 'ripe ole age of 26' the possibility of me getting a divorce was approximately 16.4%.
hope, right?
well, not so fast as i goggled:
What is the average age a person meets their spouse? (no real answers came up but what i did score was interesting:)
With "Gen X" individuals (labeled between 28-39) the most popular way to meet people is through work, at 19%. Following are through friends (18%),through school (14%), social activities with friends (8%), and via a club/bar 6%. Dating services come in dead last at less than 1%. So much for eharmonymatch.com
Where does that leave me?
All confused about my status and about my place/ space in this world. It leaves me thinking about the future and about my past transgressions (a.k.a choices) that lead me right here to this very spot I am sitting in. Then of course a few weeks ago when I started to compose this blog {ok damn near a month ago} this wonderful <--insert sarcasm article comes out on Why I am not Married by Ms. Tracey McMillian via the Huffington post and it blew my mind. Literally got me all riled up. I had so many things to say, respond to about the circumstances that surrounded the place where I am at-- not because I am a shallow-slutty-lying-selfish-not good enough-bitch. [because one thing I did find out about this article is that while she did accomplish marriage(3 times), she accomplished at least 2 divorces as well.
anywho, anyone know how to work a loom?Spend the morning chatting (don't forget: No office works without good communication). Then spend the afternoon consolidating your energies. You're executing -- or preparing to execute -- some serious 'next steps' in your current work ambitions, and this afternoon you need all your strength to do it. What will result from all of this? Whatever it is, the office will be buzzing when they see how you pulled it off!
kinda what happened as i "got down" to work in earnest- at 3:30.
so what happens when your co-workers know you are on day 7 of no coffee?
they bring you chocolate to take off the edge (milk chocolate at that!)
awww, a big thanks to BL for hooking this up!
sent from iPhone
well actually tea thoughts as i have given up coffee for lent this year. this is definitely an experiment of the mind, body & soul...or just another insanity test that i like to put myself thru. eh, we will see. we will also see what affect/ effect this has on my interactions with the world around me seeing as how i generally rely on the soothing effects of caffeine to start, continue & end my days.
such is life.
speaking of life, thoughts & prayers to those affected by the earthquake in Japan & the subsequent tsunami's out there- it is amazing and a bit scary what this world is capable of.
that's all...
If you haven't managed to schedule some away time for yourself, make sure you do it soon. Call that spa, pick out the book you'll read, decide on a destination. Even if you can't actually take any time away for a few more months, committing to doing something solely for yourself will give you a temporary lift that will carry you throughout the day. This period of introspection is something you need to take advantage of, so listen to your emotions.
..so this is something that I definitely am taking advantage of...#1- booked a mini spa thingy on 3/22 - getting a much needed massage (my shoulders are spasm-ing like you have no idea- yeah i am stressed) #2- am going to cancun!!!! whoo hooo yeah i am gonna get my beach (la playa) on and some mucho fun!
Weight__{less than an average baby elephant @ birth which is 232} wait. I need to loose more. yeah.
Wanna get a HIV test? It takes 20 minutes for the results. Ummm errrrr- was my response to the kind Hispanic nurse. Sure. She was like oh it's always good to know.
Then why oh why am I nervous to get an HIV test? I mean we all good, right? I mean seeing as how I have never done anything and nothing with no one you would think I am all free and clear, right (unless I was born this way ala gaga) Seeing as how i know i have test anxiety this is not a good look. You would also think that having this knowledge would make how I operate in life better- like more knowledgeable. But you know me- you know I worry about meteors gracefully falling from the sky and crashing into the earth effectively killing us all (Armageddon much?) you know i worry about failing at things I have no interest in attempting (Just in case i get the urge to try said things i wouldn't want to be a failure at them, ya know?) You know I worry especially about the things I want to turn out right (such as love, happiness, commitment, success etc).
So I worry.
Update #1: 3 needle sticks in a attempt to find a vein and there is no blood. What the hell? Am I bloodless? If you cut me apparently I will not bleed for they cannot find any veins that run thru me. It is utterly hilarious as I have not had anything to eat (this is supposed to be a fasting glucose) and am feeling like I am gonna faint. It is now noon and I have been up and about and active since 8. with no food from the prior 6 pm eating hour. This is so not good.
Update #2: I am HIV negative. So I know where I stand and how to continue that way. sheesh, I guess I passed. good thing, right.
Update #3: After 2 more needles, it is now time to proclaim "I am no pin-cushion". At this time I am like DONE. Nice Hispanic nurse politely puts 5 random ban-aids on me. 2 bugs bunny, a daffy duck, one flesh-tone (not my flesh-tone) and one of an inderminable character which is rather frightening.
Update #4: They send me to this place where they were supposed to be better at this, apparently not so much as I sit here for 2 hours effectively making me late for work even tho I took a 1/2 vacation day and still no blood. The utterly rude and damn near incompetent nurse practitioner there was upset that I was going to faint because of no food (at 2pm now) and after an announcement of "Me no think we seeing more of youth today right now" [translation-->they are not taking any more people] I was like give me my paperwork so I can leave. She was mad because "me deh pon already stick the sin-ting pon de sheet there, so me cannn give it back" [translation--> she already put her stickers on my sheet here, so she can't give it back] I told her I don't care where she put her stickers, since they did not see me I need to leave out of here {in my head i was thinking she lucky she old & i am weak at this moment cause I would have removed the stickers for her}. I waited while she carelessly ripped the stickers off the form and gave it back to me. So I went to grab food (COSI TBM cause i was starving - not the 1/2 but the whole) and went back to work. cause work is never done!!!
and guess who has to fast AGAIN to have to do this AGAIN so they can figure out what is wrong with me ?