Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Come one, Come all & Celebrate

So apparently today is
hump day...
National Orgasm Day....
.....[pause for dramatic effect]...
SO yeah...
how will you be celebrating?
is this a 'party of one'
or an 'it's celebration bitches'
kind of moment?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

coffee thought...

Drinking cup #1

About to get into some fin aid fun
(While that rhymes I am sure it is not true) 
What fun can a girl get into when there is too much work to do??
That's all...

Monday, July 29, 2013

coffee thought... horoscope

July 29, 2013
You might have overbooked your day with too many things to do. It sounded like a great idea when you first committed to such a busy schedule, but you may feel like slowing down as the day progresses. Ultimately, the amount of items you cross off your checklist today won't impact your life in the long run. Instead of worrying about what you didn't do, concentrate on being present in the here and now. Others will understand if you need to shuffle your priorities as long as you keep them informed of the changes.

oh you have no idea....

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bday for the bro part II

I had this whole blog in 'draft' for 2 years--- cause I figure folks make amateur mistakes when planning parties for their significant others sooo yeah why not just let bygones be bye and gone...
wellllll they about to do this again and be all types of rachet in the place.
shall I partake in the madness?
no, aint nobody got time for that.

July Birthdays

July is filled with folks birthdays, birthday parties, and birthday expenses.
I mean besides the birth of our Independence,
 there is someone particular,
then Sparkles,
then my lil God-sis,
then the bro #2.
There are a few more random cousins in there
(but since we are not that close, I remember the days and say a Happy Birthday
 but keep it movin...
.that is more than some do/ did for me..
.and let's be honest we are not 5 years old here...)
all this to say
I am not buying any more presents.
my presence is present enough!
(no?...damn...let me see if there is room on this other credit card here...)
and to top it off...there was no cake at the office because apparently there are no July Birthday folks who work here anymore. Great. Now I have to procure my own cake. #fatgirlissues

Monday, July 22, 2013

Thoughts at11:44 pm

Thoughts at 11:44 pm

I am tired. 
Tired of the feelings. 
Tired of the empty space. 
Tired of the words. 
Tired of the thoughts. 
Tired of the implications. 
Tired of the dull emotions
Tired of it all. 
I am tired. 

coffee thought...

It's just another manic Monday
I wish it were Sunday
'Cause that's my fun day
My I don't have to run day
It's just another manic Monday

Have to catch an early train
Got to be to work by nine
And if I had an aeroplane
I still couldn't make it on time
'Cause it takes me so long just to figure out what I'm gonna wear
Blame it on the train
But the boss is already there- Bengals song sometime in the 80's

Sounds like my typical thoughts on a Monday morning except I do NOT wish it were a Sunday because on Sunday I have a case of the 'oh-gosh-it-is-almost-Monday' blues.
Oh, and since  I was ever so budgety, I have my French vanilla creamer in the fridge therefore I have my coffee in the house! all on the cheap (for now).

and another thought on this Monday, is the impending birth of the future Monarch of the UK. Considering Bermuda is still firmly in their grasp this birth will have some impact on their future rulings... all in all babies are cool.

that's all...

Friday, July 19, 2013

God is GOOD

I mean, it's not like y'all don't know that or nothing. But let me tell you a little story...
Friday- had the day off work and I the evening decided to go to dinner with my good friend TD and my lil man- well her lil man but that is neither here nor there. He has this fascination for all things moving- planes, trains, automobiles, motorcycles, firetrucks, police vehicles,etc etc. It is entirely cute and he is extremely intelligent and always points em out to us. Well,we go to one of the favorite pizza shops and score a slice of pizza and an iced mocha latte (which is a throwback meal TD and I used to have in the evenings we used to go walking and pre-her being a mommy days).  He is too well behaved and we have fascinating conversation. All there if us. By the way- this pizza shop is by an elevated train. 
We get back go my car and what is in front-
that piece of the train platform had fallen from the sky and was inches from my car. Luckily no one got hurt and luckily my car was fine- but we were rushing to get outta there as another train was coming and did not want any more falling debris. Now I know this is a little thing to be thankful for and a little thing to be praising The Lord for, but dammit I am happy. And thankful. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Coffee thought...

Coffee thought...

The verdict is in
George Zimmerman was found not guilty for 'murdering' Trayvon Martin on Saturday after a 13 day trial. Many many folks are upset at this verdict and chant 'no justice no peace ' like people are actually listening to their voices rather than being preoccupied by the vessel that chant is coming from. No matter what folks say (black POTUS and all) we are forever engrained and enfranchised with a very racist and real society that devalues the sight, sound, presence, actions and achievement of the black man. when the messages consistently degrade your life and when. I can't thus early. I need some deep java. .. And can someone tell me exactly when no justice no peace has that been followed to an effective outcome. I mean it sounds good and all but really?

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, July 12, 2013

Boatload of love~

So as I mentioned I took a little road trip up to Rhode Island to witness my friend J get married to her love M.. They have been together for 7 years (I met him at my first anniversary of my 29th birthday party) and they were just madly madly in love then (the beginning phase) well... suffice it to say they have been thru a lot and here they are on a beautiful July 5 day pledging their vows to each other.
What I love about them (and love) is that I know a lot of what J has been thru in the dating world (child there are stories and stories to tell) but somehow this someone made their way to her (well to each other) and here they are. ahhh love...
the kiss!

her Dad, Mom, brother Jeff.
missing is Nick r.i.p.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Blog from the past-- poem written around about 12/12/2005 (yikes!)

a poem
Current mood: Weird

that look makes my world go crazy...
the words in my mouth are scampering to get into my head,
into my brain , into my mind...
but my thoughts are all messed up
and i am in love with you.
but the thoughts of you are immediately unavailable
as i walk along this edge of reason-
reason being that i loved you before..
or i loved the  idea of sweet loving you
because when it came down to it
loving you was entirely too hard on me.
i lost my world while you watched me
watched me drown my sorrows and lament over
what i thought was
like perception is distorted when viewed from the inside
of the madhouse while drowning under the thoughts of
being without you.
sitting on the edge here makes me wonder
if love like life lives without...
©adiva/ CG

coffee thought...horoscope for 7/11/2013

Gemini Horoscope-- July 11, 2013
You often like gathering lots of information
even when it isn't helpful to your cause.
However, today's sensible Virgo Moon gives you the analytical tools you need
 to sort through all the data and keep only what you can use.
Although it's easy to forget what you're doing now
and get distracted by all the untried possibilities,
balancing your unquenchable curiosity
with your current penchant for practicality
combines the best of both worlds.
OMG this is sooo true for today
(considering it is now 5:43 pm and I am just getting to my coffee thought and horoscope)
...and I have been here gathering evidence at work for
and I need to get home to move my car.
that's all...

Jewelry cleaner

Sure does make the silver sparkle!
Now I can actually wear the bean bracelet and earrings since they have been tarnished for some time. Whooo hoo on the $3.99 jewelry cleaner purchase and the reading of directions.
Now, of course, I am looking for all types of silver goods to clean as I am on roll!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

commuting conversations...

These are the conversations I overhear on my commute home from hanging out and therefore I have to text this to my friends (because if I have to hear it someone else will have to bear witness as well) which definitely makes me think of a couple of things..
  • The state of relationships in this world and the value we put on them
  • The things we (women) are willing to accept just to say you are in a relationship
  • The things (men) say/ do while in relationship(s)
  • The reality that 'this' is acceptable to some folks (in a twisted way)
  • Apparently (I have been told)having morals and standards are too antiquated and old fashioned and not of this new era of relationship
  • Though if this is new era relationship then guess what?
OK? OK...I am done.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

coffee thought...

July 7 11:04 am

 It is baked in the city today-

 A baked apple to signify the hot humid sweltering mess of NYC. It is 11am and 88 degrees with a severe heat warning in effect. Let me explain something to you- back in the day I would be all about running thru an open fire hydrant to cool me down- dodging cars and trying to keep the clothes on.
Today- as I am older and am moving slower. Second it's just too hot for all that.

But I'll take it.
I am on my way to pic up a white dress..
Just FYI for those that want to have all crazy dress code requirements for your destination wedding please note... ain't nobody got time for that..
Oh and this is the afternoon temperature in my car.. what are we in the Sahara?

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Happy 4th

Happy Independence Day! Celebrate your freedom...

I am celebrating with some goodle doodles and a road trip to Rhode Island for the wedding of one of my good friends from college (who I have known for the past 19 years!) yikes- this means I started college 19 years ago and wow some folks are old.
enjoy! pics to follow...
(all pics courtesy of

Monday, July 01, 2013

more goodle doodles...

They are all interesting and varied all at the same damn time.
Yay google.