If u didn't knowthis is just a FYI I did not spend 4 years in undergrad + 2 years in graduate school achieving my masters + about a decade at a job
to sit at a fluckin cubicle.
I am just saying...
Cause if you don't know your worth then who will?
Born and raised in the South Bronx, New York (USA) I figured some thoughts, words, and musings of me would be entertaining- particularly because I say what I mean and of course I mean what I say. Yes, I am an educated African-American woman. Yes, I am a poet. Yes, I am emotional. Yes, I am strong. Yes, I am opinionated. Yes, I am single. Yes I am an avid drinker of coffee. Yes I am in constant struggle- oh and I can not spell, so don't judge [ok maybe a bit] Don't be scared, just be willing
Thursday, July 28, 2011
On the train
Someone was talking about choices and consequence. Deep thoughts here...He was like "If I choose to jump up and slap the shit out of someone then that is my choice."
[ok I am concerned...]
"If they choose to shoot me to death that would be the consequence of my choice. Simple."
[Rational...yet scary...]
"How we deal with the consequences of our choices is this life."
Makes sense, right? Then he was like some people ride the train for no reason, some people have a destination. That is how one should approach life.
So this is life....Are you living with no reason [just chillin on the ride??] or is there a destination [got purpose?]
Hmmm food for thought.
that is some deep shit for the #2 train at 1:06 in the afternoon....
Wait there is more-
Be yourself or be by yourself or be by yourself for yourself. [i am going to have to ponder that one...]
sometimes relationship means relation- shit. [Wow. Must be having woman troubles at home cause that is some deep stuff]
Ok now some 'other' dudes come on the train discussing why in the world they come to work?? One of them states "I come to work for Health Care, AC, Internet Access and Stock Options".
Things I learn on the afternoon train ride.
[ok I am concerned...]
"If they choose to shoot me to death that would be the consequence of my choice. Simple."
[Rational...yet scary...]
"How we deal with the consequences of our choices is this life."
Makes sense, right? Then he was like some people ride the train for no reason, some people have a destination. That is how one should approach life.
So this is life....Are you living with no reason [just chillin on the ride??] or is there a destination [got purpose?]
Hmmm food for thought.
that is some deep shit for the #2 train at 1:06 in the afternoon....
Wait there is more-
Be yourself or be by yourself or be by yourself for yourself. [i am going to have to ponder that one...]
sometimes relationship means relation- shit. [Wow. Must be having woman troubles at home cause that is some deep stuff]
Ok now some 'other' dudes come on the train discussing why in the world they come to work?? One of them states "I come to work for Health Care, AC, Internet Access and Stock Options".
Things I learn on the afternoon train ride.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
more thinking
Last night I could not sleep for the life of me. (strange choice of words there…)
I mean I worked till after 7 pm and did a ½ hr walk (to a cupcake hop no less) but walked all the same and then took the train home. I didn’t have ‘dinner’ you know where you sit down to a table and eat- I had a cup cake and a chat with grandma (hey that is great food for life) and all i can do is think about what I don't have...
i need a good mindless hobby that can make these thoughts vanish.
that's all...
I mean I worked till after 7 pm and did a ½ hr walk (to a cupcake hop no less) but walked all the same and then took the train home. I didn’t have ‘dinner’ you know where you sit down to a table and eat- I had a cup cake and a chat with grandma (hey that is great food for life) and all i can do is think about what I don't have...
i need a good mindless hobby that can make these thoughts vanish.
that's all...
thinking thoughts
Having trouble sleeping...
Mind is racing on what I should be doing vs. what I am doing.
It is something that keeps me up at night literally.
I am racking my brain for something to quiet the thoughts of inadequacy I suffer with on a daily or rather nightly basis.
I think I think too much.
I think I thought too much about silly things like:
I need a different life.
I have been told I cannot say 'i need a life' cause I have a life, ere go I am alive and breathing and working etc etc. I suppose they are right, dead people don't do all them things.
what's a chica to do?
Mind is racing on what I should be doing vs. what I am doing.
It is something that keeps me up at night literally.
I am racking my brain for something to quiet the thoughts of inadequacy I suffer with on a daily or rather nightly basis.
I think I think too much.
I think I thought too much about silly things like:
- am I ever going to get a 'big girl bed' and a place to put it?
- am I every going to have adequate closet space for a woman of my age?
- what is my personal style?
- what kind of man am I attracted to? [these days the standards are getting lower and lower in my head but I have yet to vocalise that for FEAR that ninja will come knocking at my door- so not cute]
- how am I ever going to be able to pay all these bills I have and why have so many bills when there is nothing to show for it?
- what is going to happen if this whole debt ceiling is not raised next week? are the congressmen still getting paid when they are threatening Social Security Benefits & payments to families of the Armed Forces?
- How does this affect my job? Considering we deal directly with the Gvt. on this stuff + receiving payments from them to continue students enrollment in school-- what happens to those who rely on that?
- what makes me happy?
- I need to go swimming.
- I want to take an African dance class.
- Speaking of Africa, I want to go back to Ghana to see how the kids are doing there...
I need a different life.
I have been told I cannot say 'i need a life' cause I have a life, ere go I am alive and breathing and working etc etc. I suppose they are right, dead people don't do all them things.
what's a chica to do?
Monday, July 25, 2011
coffee thought...
not the best of days in the world
definitely not Garfield's favorite day of the week.
but it is a day to be thankful and blessed
so with that said heres to Monday
help us get to Tuesday.
that's all...
not the best of days in the world
definitely not Garfield's favorite day of the week.
but it is a day to be thankful and blessed
so with that said heres to Monday
help us get to Tuesday.
that's all...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Funny how distance works
Funny how distance works...
kind of like out of sight out of mind
at least that works for me.
if you are out of my sight then
i do not think of you
of course
there are some days,nights, days
where you are the only thing i seem to want
and it is because of this distance
amusing sometimes hilarious
but because distance
keeps me from you
i laugh.
kind of like out of sight out of mind
at least that works for me.
if you are out of my sight then
i do not think of you
of course
there are some days,
where you are the only thing i seem to want
and it is because of this distance
amusing sometimes hilarious
but because distance
keeps me from you
i laugh.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Lunchtime thoughts...
sigh... someday this may be all worth it.
until then... chew chew chew chew.
coffee thought...
But on another note of the semi fiscal responsible way-- last week I decided to get renters insurance for the items in my apartment. Yes, I think that is the 'adult' decision & responsible thing to do because really who can afford to replace all the things you have in your house if [God forbid] there is a fire or theft or any of the other things that are out there. So I am now covered fully for replacement if things happen [let's hope nothing happens]. But in doing this it brought down my car insurance by the exact amount of the renters policy (so same $$ out my pocket but more things just in cases).
Speaking of car... guess who made that last payment on my baby?? yup, came out the account on 7/15/11 so here I am [again] at the place where I OWN a vehicle. Really? Own. Like can road trip up if I needed. Like can sell if I wanted. Like can have sex in the backseat if the mood hits me. Oh the possibilities are endless. [well some things still won't be happening in my car but the possibilities are endless]. At any rate, this means I can fully concentrate on getting back on the wonderful road of more fiscal goodness- paying off the credit cards that I continually go to & then saving for the next adventure in my life.
Oh the places I will go...
that's all
Monday, July 18, 2011
broken zippers & hollow dreams
So my purse I purchased on one of the many shopping trips I take to the outlets but not always purchase when I go cause who can afford to all the time-- (tho I specifically remember this one as it was last November) I got an off white/ cream big bag that pretty much has doubled as my luggage for this summer (yay summer white) Well the zipper broke and that is so no bueno. I mean I come to trust the quality and craftsmanship of the Coach name and to have the zipper dislodge is like huh? Did I get the cheap end of the stick? I mean I paid enough money for it- any who guess who will take it back and look for my receipt.
in the interim i have to keep the snatchers from reaching in my bag...
Cest la vie.
in the interim i have to keep the snatchers from reaching in my bag...
Cest la vie.
Friday, July 15, 2011
I would...
I would just like to let you know there is a grandma for sale (cheap too). She just called to tell me 'our bowling shoes arrived' I asked her how she know they were bowling shoes- [side note: I ordered bowling shoes since I typically go bowling about 4 times a year and am really skeeved about putting my feet into some random shoes - hasn't anyone heard of foot & mouth disease?- and at aproximately $6.00/ per time I would like to experience such risky behavior I decided to forgo all that and bite the bullet and buy a pair. Shoes + shipping + piece of mind if i remember to bring them with me bowling = $36.00 not that i need to justify another shoe purchase but i digress..] all that to say Grandma opened the box. Told her that was a federal offense she said so sue me! I ask her what if it was something else- she said LIKE AN EXOTiC TOY?? I am soo done- because what would grandmas know about exotic toys and she really needs to stop watching so much reality TV.
HP ends
yup that's me. standing with the poster pic of Harry Potter
these stories made kids pick up a book and start reading again
and that is one of the amazing things a childrens book can do.
It also took my mind off the realities of the craziness of the world.
So- am sad to see the end of the series but know all good things
eventually come to an end.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
simply sweet
things that make me happy...
the sugar on the bottom of this cup of iced coffee goodness...
like the treat at the end of the tunnel- or in this case at the end of the cup.
simple things
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Coffee thought...
Today is going to be a better day than before because you are present.
That is how I approach this day.
Yesterday I had dinner with my god sis and was reminded of her awesome beauty intelligence and grace in surviving and thriving at some of the obstacles that were present in her life. Seeing her attempt and accomplish some of her goals really make me proud and seriously know her mom and some others are beyond proud of her. We had enlightening conversation which further reminded me that wisdom is not only reserved for the 'old' but also not to disregard those right in front of you. that's all...
Friday, July 08, 2011
coffee thought...horoscope
Gemini Horoscope for July 08, 2011

There are going to be a lot of messages coming at you today -- and many include some interesting ideas. Your brain is getting extremely hungry for stimulation right now, so don't be surprised if your curiosity gets the better of your sense of propriety. But don't let other people's expectations or hang ups get in the way of you feeding your mind and seeking inspiration. Delve into the issues that interest you most now. Phone calls, emails and face to face meetings need to start happening.
Thursday, July 07, 2011
stick in the mud
You know what I love?
I love those people who are quick to tell you exactly what they are not going to do. They come within minutes of something happening (life) or some change apparent or schedule interruption and they are so quick to NOT adapt or shift their being.
Well alrighty then. It is good to have a stance. Albeit an immovable one and a truly unrealistic and static one- but do you. Keep standing.
Me? You see I am the one that shifts- not in a flighty way- but a way that adapts. Remember survival of the fittest? Don’t get evolved around (jusy fyi)
So you see me? Being the change you want to be (thanks Ghandi) doing the things you want to do? Having the life you want to have? Yet there you are- stuck on what they will not do and how they will not do that and how they will not… you get the point. Losing all momentum in this life
They are sad. Don’t get stuck.
coffee thought...
Thursday Coffeethought
So today pre-coffee I will have a little rant:
Today's topic-
Apparently at one point in life you applied for it, wanted it, and strive to do it.
You got hired. Great.
Now, here you are 2 weeks, 6 months, and 5 years and you are in here just skating by, floating on and not even working in some sense. What is maddening is that NO ONE forces you to do this. No one holds a whip over you or locks you in a room.
You get compensated. You get a paycheck. You are supposed to do your job for as long as you are given this task and yet you fall short AND want to complain because this is not your vocation. whose fault is that?
You use your time here in the everyday aspect to foster the other things you want to do in life (great- everyone has goals dreams and a life outside of work that just does wonders for their soul [if they don't then they need to]) but does your actual work slip because you are not working at work? really? how about you do your job--Your job you know the thing you get paid to do suffers.
and along them lines...
I think I am going to have to start monitoring the tone of my employees. This is not the DMV. You do not get to speak to people just anyway. They are calling here, stopping in for help- even if this means they did not read the things that were sent to them earlier in or you repeated yourself ten times. No, this does not mean you are there to be abused or demeaned - no one I but you have got to get it together. act like you are working in a customer service environment (there's a shocker-- you are) and be helpful. treat them as you want to be treated when you are seeking help or are unclear of what is going on.
i am just saying.
that's all.
So today pre-coffee I will have a little rant:
Today's topic-
Why can't people just do their flicking job?
Yes I said it. Their job. Apparently at one point in life you applied for it, wanted it, and strive to do it.
You got hired. Great.
Now, here you are 2 weeks, 6 months, and 5 years and you are in here just skating by, floating on and not even working in some sense. What is maddening is that NO ONE forces you to do this. No one holds a whip over you or locks you in a room.
You get compensated. You get a paycheck. You are supposed to do your job for as long as you are given this task and yet you fall short AND want to complain because this is not your vocation. whose fault is that?
You use your time here in the everyday aspect to foster the other things you want to do in life (great- everyone has goals dreams and a life outside of work that just does wonders for their soul [if they don't then they need to]) but does your actual work slip because you are not working at work? really? how about you do your job--Your job you know the thing you get paid to do suffers.
and along them lines...
I think I am going to have to start monitoring the tone of my employees. This is not the DMV. You do not get to speak to people just anyway. They are calling here, stopping in for help- even if this means they did not read the things that were sent to them earlier in or you repeated yourself ten times. No, this does not mean you are there to be abused or demeaned - no one I but you have got to get it together. act like you are working in a customer service environment (there's a shocker-- you are) and be helpful. treat them as you want to be treated when you are seeking help or are unclear of what is going on.
i am just saying.
that's all.
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
coffee thought...
coffee thought...8:59 am
Welcome back!
After day 1 back from my 2 week vacation I am about ready for another one ASAP. Let's see-
- immediately came back to about 400 emails of things that should have happened while I was away
- also had 2 of my projects from work stalled therefore the effective communication of information for the population I work with is halted as well- what this means is that instead of me looking like I am productive in reality I appear to be stagnant in my progress- no bieno for me as this is not all I want from this gig. The minute this stops becoming mutually beneficial I am out.
- I answered phones in the morning and got an earful of idiotness that is enough to last me the rest of the week (thanks for that).
- I got some projects done AND
- had to interview two candidates for an opening in the office (more on that first interview later) but all in all I felt productive.
Basically I worked till 9pm on the first day back from vacation- 9 pm. That is a 12 hour workday- wtf?
And am not stressed.
Then I got locked out the office and had to call security and had to wait a half hour for them to open the door. Good thing it was not an emergency (tho I did find out that they respond quicker if I am mid cooking something or I was naked- I'll keep that in mind)that's all...
Not the same
So you know in a hotel when you get there the toilet paper has the wonderful lil sophisticated pointy shape to it and makes you feel all special to be in a hotel (and I am talking about a good hotel, not the motel 6 where they leave the light on OR the pay per hour places-- not that I would know about those joints.. I digress) Well, after scrubbing my bathroom and changing the shower curtain and getting all up under the sink etc I decided to fold the toilet paper to the lil sophisticated pointy shape & went to bed.
When I woke up this morning I realized somehow it is not the same as when this is done for you from the hotel (but it did make me smile at what an ass I am)
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
my after vacation manicure
color: essie lilacism
color: essie lilacism
might be something brighter in a few more days...
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