Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dinner with the brothers

30-Aug-09 2:23 AM

last week i thought i should cook dinner for the boys.
(boys being the brothers)

truthfully i wanted to do something nice for them that was without agenda.
while i think i am 'good' & stuff <(--as in try to be moral, etc etc) not everything i do turns out right.

also both mentioned that they haven't had a good jerk pork for a while and i figured i could make it work... after all I worked in a Jamaican Bakery for a # of years and know how to cook more than a few dishes well.
It is in my blood (literally since my moms dad aka grandpa I never met was from JA).
So at the end of the day I decided to make some jerk pork with some veggie medley and sweet corn on the side and some yellow rice and beans. Yup, we were gonna have a good old island family dinner.
I asked bro #2 to bake a cake and while he is no chef duff he certainly had an asymmetrical chocolate cake going...
and it didn't kill us.

food family and fun.
the way it is supposed to be.

sunday, chef cooked us breakfast (french toast) and I made scrambled eggs (which is a major first cause my eggs dont scramble, they kind of omlete like in the pan) but it was trippy to have us chillin in my house watching the muppet show DVD and reminiscing.

Thanks Mom
(Dad, Nannie, Lisa, Uncle Fred & all the rest of family passed on)
for bringing us together.

Friday, August 28, 2009

coffee thought...

it is colder than a witch's tit in here.
(not that i have ever seen/felt a witch's tit personally BUT they supposed to be some cold ass bitches and if they are anything like my tits up in here then it is cold as hell)
and speaking of cold as hell
i never understood that saying because from what I heard hell is not cold at ALL otherwise all them people wouldn't be like 'you should burn in hell'
unless they are talking about freezer burn in which case that would be a type of burn albeit not associated with the hot ass burning typically reserved to people in hell.
that's cold.
that's all...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

coffee thought...

it is noon and i am looking for another cup.
also I am trying to remember the last time I had a good laugh..
that's all...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

coffee thought...

today's thought...
what if we could never see the stars?
what if it was never proven that WE were not the center of the Universe?
I wonder what impact that would have had on us..

that's all...

Happy Birthday Mom

August 25th is my mommy's birthday.
I remember we (being me) would at least try to secure a cake to light up and sing Happy Birthday with the brothers. She always laughted at us and smiled at us . I know she loved us & appreciated it.
Happy Birthday Mommy.

Monday, August 24, 2009

coffee thought...

I never understood the point of taking your bike on the subway. I mean here you are trying to be all tour de france in the city but you are riding the subway. Is the distance you are going too far? Then why take the bike? Are you going to start at a specific location and work your way back? Is this your feeble attempt to look all biker chic while not really having to pedal? I don't know... Just random thoughts pre-coffee.
that's all...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

coffee thought...

I am me again...this world here truly does run on dunkin...

coffee thought...

I hate orange juice with no vodka or champange and not on the rocks and with mega pulp and seeds! Sigh..oh coffee where art thou...
that's all...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

coffee thought...

8:09 AM 13-Aug-09
heard this on the radio this morning...
if u throw a rock at a pack of dogs
the one that barks ya hit...
that's all...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

showers of...

hopefully not in the Armageddon way
(unless there is love found at the end & Steven Tyler song...)

coffee thought...

Is this any indication as to how my day is going to go???
Good morning...
That's all...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

coffee thought...

Today I am having coffee & fruit the breakfast of semi- champions.


I am trying to figure out my next move for the day...

Monday, August 10, 2009

coffee thought...

today's thought is why in the world would people come into my office and take pens, office supplies etc from my desk when obviously this is not the supply closet... and I know what my stuff looks like.. do they really want me to CSI that pen?
that's all...

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Me taking braids out

I got the look!

Flowers @ work

From my job. Now I am smiling.

yet another tax on NY'ers

So i am eating lunch (Cosi grilled chicken t.b.m) which typically costs $8.01 and I have my money ready. Imagine my surprise when the total is $8.05-- why an extra $0.04 cents? Oh of course, NY has raised its sales tax effective August 01. So it is more expensive to live, breathe & eat in this great city o' mine. They expect this tax to be a larger burden on the middle working class but what happens when you aren't even the middle class... you are below that.. as in NO CLASS or CLASSLESS.. then are you not affected by this hike?
I am
(but still I gots no class LOLOL)

coffee thought...

Today it is no coffee but Jamba Juuuuice!
we'll see how this works in about 15 minutes when the caffeine cravings kick in...
(you have been warned)
that's all...

Chivalry is fading fast...

8:43 AM 05-Aug-09
actually i can say that it seems
chivalry just got kicked in the nuts
as i stand here on the #5 train that is so not moving (currently sick passenger holding up progress) there is not 1 male who is seated offering up a seat to any of the females standing that include a visibly pregnant lady, a couple of nurses in scrubs, an older granny type lady & moi who is purely feminine. now not that woman's liberated rights (equal standing for women + men) should trump the common decency of offering a seat- and not that i know that these dudes aren't tired in their own right but come on... offer the granny the seat!


right now i am in a mood. i am feeling distraught, despondent and depressed. i am overcome with sadness remembering my mother and just some of the things leading up to her final days. i know i should focus on the good times but all of these experiences happened, i cant ignore it and pretend it didn't happen. i need to talk to someone, i want to reach out to somebody because i know i need to talk to someone
and out of all the contacts in my phone there is absolutely no one i can call at 1 am with my madness. isn't that insane? there is no one in this world that i can call to bring me from the edge; no one i can cry to and certainly no one to call (physically) this lovely hour- because yes i have already called on the Lord to comfort me right now.
so what is the point? i need to re-evaluate my contacts

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

coffee thought...

as i sip my java & attempt to help those who seek higher education, this article appears on CNN-about a 27 yr old who is suing her college (Monroe college) for $70,000 because she cannot find a job. She maintains the Office of Career Services did not help her with full time placement.
In this economy.
Yeah OK.
I wonder what exactly is her contributing role in all this... cause truly Mickey D's is always hiring

that's all...

Monday, August 03, 2009


So i met the brothers' new girlfriend. Unfortunately we did not have time for a full cross examination so the jury is still out on her but apparently he is like really kinda sorta in love.
Makes ya wonder...

coffee thought...

2 cups in & the day is looking brighter on this sunny day in the NYC...
nothing particularly pressing on my mind right this second
but give me a minute and I am sure I will boggle you.
in the meantime I saw this on CNN last night and am curious
that's all...