Monday, February 28, 2011

Waffles & dingles

Apparently this came thru to the area where I worked... Not bad for lunch

Friday, February 25, 2011

Oh Teddy

My Teddy grahams! you are so deliciouso & about to be adioso!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

stuff you should be reading

you know inspiring people who inspire you to be better just cause they are better? well... this chick here is definitely a leader and someone to watch. because this chick can write. and the stuff she is reading makes you think...
just fyi--

coffee thought...

my grandmother is crazy...
she said (to me when we were talking about men just now & my lack of mens) don't worry- you know you are more than good enough for any man (aww thanks grandma!) - and you know you can have a baby even up until 50! (really? daytime TV is sooo not good)
that's all..

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

coffee thought...

albeit late...
why do i have so many singles in my pocketbook (strewn about?) did my subconscious subtly want to go to a strip club?

that's all...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

coffee thought...

Today I learned:
that if you have a thumb ring + an earring in the cartilage of your earlobe + a mega short equals you being a lesbian. (<-- not my equation, just something that was told to me & reinforced by some folks that I casually asked.. by no means the most 'scientific experiment' out there.)

So what happens if you have had all of those "factors" at one point or another in your life? OK, what happens if you currently have two of the three (and does it matter what two of the three?)

that's all...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

coffee thought...

(transitive verb) One definition is to give in exchange for another; to change (a penalty) to another less severe <commute a death sentence to life in prison>
Another d
efinition is to travel from one point to another on a daily basis. <I commute to work>
is it the process of getting to work? I don't know, but this daily 'thing' has got me thinking about how much progress I am making towards my authentic self. Like am I better off than I was yesterday? Am I more knowledgeable?<- - why does that look like it is not spelled right, I really need to practice my spelling words... Have I progressed more towards me than before? I think these things often and then I stop cause then I get down on myself for not having achieved ultimate successes by age 25. I mean, I am a decade late for all that. A whole damn decade! I am running a race with myself that I created in my ultimate fantasies and my reality is sorely slipping behind. Kind of like the tortoise and the hare but the hare is a sleeker, accomplished version of myself (complete with books, a man, some kids, love, peace & perceived happiness) versus the tortoise who is a larger slower-moving greener version of myself (incomplete without the man, books, childless--thus lacking love, happiness and peace... what's a girl to do who has asthma?
anywho those are the random thoughts I think commuting in the train.
that's all...

Monday, February 14, 2011

just another V day

Typically this day is reserved for lovers only (ala Maxwell) but considering this here lady has yet to have a lover only it is just another February 14. Another day for those to show their love to those whom they love. Another day to have thoughts of the non love that i possess and the love i am willing to settle for in the forms of my relationships with my friends, family and potential mates out there.
maybe, in fact, i am in capable of being loved? I mean who is to say that I am supposed to be loved.
who is to say that I am capable of giving love- maybe the love I have been giving hurts (the universe) which is why (the universe) has yet to respond with someone to love me.
maybe i need to stop focusing on another passing of 2/14 in any carnation and just know that love is somewhere someone out there...
how can i justify that when the proof is in the empty part of my twin bed?
sigh... I guess this is just another V day..

**yes i am just posting this 9/20/11** cause apparently it was stuck in a draft. A draft on non love-- fitting.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

happy happy bean bro bday!

Today we celebrated the born day of my older bro- Chef Bean/ bean bro #1 etc etc. He wanted to grab a few folk and get together and play some billiards. It was great to have a bunch of folks there just having a good ole time, hustling and me making majorly good shots that maybe I may wanna turn pro! (no? well i mean in my head i could be black widow or nothing but you know)
anywho, after the games we took a walk to Crumbs bakery near Union Sq. & grabbed some confectionary goodies and we copped a squat in the park there.
It was a nice enough evening that altho there was a chill in the air it was a great place to be.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

coffee thought...

Umm why are there directions on the moist towelette? What do you think people would do with said object without directions?
that's all...

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

horoscope 2/8/11- you dont say?

Gemini Horoscope for February 08, 2011

If you've been feeling limited or held back from where you want to go lately, you can find the culprit in the mirror. Other people certainly put pressure on you, and the rules you live by are not negotiable. But, ultimately, you're the only one who is keeping you from doing what you'd like to. To get a motivating burst of self-esteem, call a friend for a fun night out or challenge them to a board game -- just to give yourself that winning feeling again.

Monday, February 07, 2011

coffee thought...

Coffee thought...Coming away from a 3 day weekend of just happiness. It started out in the dentist office on Friday, not one to normally attribute happiness with the dentist but the one I got whom i had since young is still the guy for Me- gentle and caring which is a plus. Next up we have Friday night, hanging out argue Yuca Bar with some of the girls- great great drinks and such a good time- these ladies know how to act a fool in the best way. Saturday was spent with a few loves of my life- idris, ealy etc... Basically watched the movie Takers and enjoyed every minute of the plot and scenes and lens in them. Yum! Sunday I woke up early to volunteer at 'college goal sunday' basically an event held around NY state Sunday's this time of year to assist folks in filing out the FAFSA form to head off to college- this event was held in Lehman hS and was a success (so I reward myself with an iced mocha latte OMG) and go home to watch the superbowl (I am all for football and sexy mens!) I cooked jerk pork for the boys & we all had a smashing great time...
anywho work today should be exciting... we shall see...

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

food options...

FYI a small salad alone @ lunch is NOT the move
7 seconds after finishing the salad i am trying to chew off my arm...
now what?
<--- and alone in the sense that is the only thing i had NOT in the i ate alone thing- cause that's a given.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

coffee thought...

Today I waited 37 minutes for ANY bus to come down the road to take me to the subway to hop on the train to then get to work. Mind you I already walked down the hill & avoided a slip/fall catastrophe. THIS is how my day is supposed to start? And with that I am supposed to be all helpful, informative & whatever?? all for a dolla & fifteen cents (a dime and a nickle!).
oh yeah, today is payday therefore my money is spent before it hits the account- not spent in the "ooh look at the new toys way" but in the "OH man you paid all them bills + student loans & have to live off that for the month??"
the joys of the single in the city chick working class!!!

AND they raised the price of my coffee (from $1.00 to $1.85) so this means I will have to be bringing my teabags and making that thru the day- they trying to make me loose my mind in here.
.....Oh and on another note...why do some Dollar signs have one slash thru them versus two slashes thru them? google it... fascinating...
that's all...
*Image is andy warhol*