Born and raised in the South Bronx, New York (USA) I figured some thoughts, words, and musings of me would be entertaining- particularly because I say what I mean and of course I mean what I say. Yes, I am an educated African-American woman. Yes, I am a poet. Yes, I am emotional. Yes, I am strong. Yes, I am opinionated. Yes, I am single. Yes I am an avid drinker of coffee. Yes I am in constant struggle- oh and I can not spell, so don't judge [ok maybe a bit] Don't be scared, just be willing
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
coffee thought...

Today's goodle doodle allows you to play PAC-MAN on their homepage in honor of the games 30th anniversary. Imagine my distractions when i go to google and i have been playing games for the past 14 minutes... completely forgeting the intended purpose of my visit to google.
I totally forgot Mothers day this year.
I totally forgot Mothers day this year.
Not the actual day cause it came and went and of course had to buy
grandma a card but I didn't write about it. I didn't post the google
doodle I didn't talk about my mother. I am sad that I didn't make the
time to aknowledge her on that day when everyone else was saying kind
words and thoughts about their moms. I did think about her. Posted a
quick miss u on FB. but Right now, at this very moment-- I am feeling
kind of emotional since it is that time of the month, my birthday is
approaching quick-fast and in a hurry in 2 days and all I want is to
hear her say happy birthday Tasha. I love you. You are a good
daughter. Stop crying over things you can't change, it will be
alright. Have fun, don't worry I am fine and be happy or any other
motherly advice. I guess I can pretend to hear her voice (crazy,
right?) or I can think these thoughts to myself to get me thru this
night with minimal tears... I mean we all have some coping mechanisms
but somehow crying or whatever just don't seem like it helps. I don't
know anymore when this will be ok (and I am really really really
trying to come to terms with this stuff before the wedding next week
for my good friend because thru all this it really solidifies a few
things for me
* with someone who loves you it can truly make life more bearable (as
I see it thru the various peoples who are in love and good love/
compared to the others who are divorcing & breaking up) they seem
plesantly content
* planning a wedding-assuming I find 'the one' and he hits his head
hard enough oh I mean loves me & proposes to me & I don't immediately
die from shock and say yes- my mother will not be there physically to
help and I am very hurt about this. so right now as I am gonna be a
witness/ bridesmaid to a wedding next week it is hard to see this.
Remember what happened in E's wedding where u has to leave the
reception when the mother/ dauhter dance came on... And to think I
used to be mad at any father/daughter dance thing as well... Little
did I know ...great more tears
Oh why even bother to think about this just whatever
Just stop, Sleep, and try for better tomorrow...
Not the actual day cause it came and went and of course had to buy
grandma a card but I didn't write about it. I didn't post the google
doodle I didn't talk about my mother. I am sad that I didn't make the
time to aknowledge her on that day when everyone else was saying kind
words and thoughts about their moms. I did think about her. Posted a
quick miss u on FB. but Right now, at this very moment-- I am feeling
kind of emotional since it is that time of the month, my birthday is
approaching quick-fast and in a hurry in 2 days and all I want is to
hear her say happy birthday Tasha. I love you. You are a good
daughter. Stop crying over things you can't change, it will be
alright. Have fun, don't worry I am fine and be happy or any other
motherly advice. I guess I can pretend to hear her voice (crazy,
right?) or I can think these thoughts to myself to get me thru this
night with minimal tears... I mean we all have some coping mechanisms
but somehow crying or whatever just don't seem like it helps. I don't
know anymore when this will be ok (and I am really really really
trying to come to terms with this stuff before the wedding next week
for my good friend because thru all this it really solidifies a few
things for me
* with someone who loves you it can truly make life more bearable (as
I see it thru the various peoples who are in love and good love/
compared to the others who are divorcing & breaking up) they seem
plesantly content
* planning a wedding-assuming I find 'the one' and he hits his head
hard enough oh I mean loves me & proposes to me & I don't immediately
die from shock and say yes- my mother will not be there physically to
help and I am very hurt about this. so right now as I am gonna be a
witness/ bridesmaid to a wedding next week it is hard to see this.
Remember what happened in E's wedding where u has to leave the
reception when the mother/ dauhter dance came on... And to think I
used to be mad at any father/daughter dance thing as well... Little
did I know ...great more tears
Oh why even bother to think about this just whatever
Just stop, Sleep, and try for better tomorrow...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Walking in the rain
there is this water feature I pass on my commute that is rarely on..
but today in the rain they turn it on.
it is pretty
coffee thought...
So my thoughts today surround this tall cup of Joe I am drinking.
no thoughts really just this McCafe coffee (which I don't understand because must it be wrapped up in a McCafe cuppy thing? The Mickey D's isn't very cafe-ish so delivering a McCafe is just high hopes for a cup of coffee)
maybe i should just shut up and drink...
that's all...
no thoughts really just this McCafe coffee (which I don't understand because must it be wrapped up in a McCafe cuppy thing? The Mickey D's isn't very cafe-ish so delivering a McCafe is just high hopes for a cup of coffee)
maybe i should just shut up and drink...
that's all...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Getting the dress hemmed
So the good thing about loosing weight is that it is overall healthier for me and I should have a longer life expectancy etc etc. The not so good thing revolves around this wedding of my friend DNS. We ordered the dress supposedly a size larger. Turned out it has to be taken down
2 sizes and shortened (well that is no surprise about the shortening of the dress since they send them for a 7 foot tall woman)....but two whole dress sizes!!! I don't know if it is good or bad (cause it is costing me $100 either way)... maybe i should eat cake to counteract the cost? no?
that's all...
2 sizes and shortened (well that is no surprise about the shortening of the dress since they send them for a 7 foot tall woman)....but two whole dress sizes!!! I don't know if it is good or bad (cause it is costing me $100 either way)... maybe i should eat cake to counteract the cost? no?
that's all...
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Ask & you shall.. (ok maybe not!)
Ok so I must write about this cause I find this to be just so effin funny... So I went to Mexican restaurant on a random evening with 2 good friends of mine because we were celebrating a special occasion and other people were meeting us there. Well one of the people who show up is a long time friend of theirs (male) who apparently went to school with them. We all chill at the bar talking about life, basketball and whatever else - he is average looking dude, has a job & seemed like a funny dude and apparently he (Z) is feeling me.
How do I know this (cause you are not one to just assume these things) well we all laughing the bar and a Latin American dude one seat over is like hey pretty, enjoying your drink? (To me!) so I am flirting cause why the hell not (this dude could have been my Spanish father but it is fun) but ( tell me if I am crazy) dude (Z) is leaning on the bar, both arms covering the bar as I am sitting there, so it basically looks like he is hugging me WEIRD. being posessive and trying to block the old dude. how rude.
I am like yo, why you all up on meHe was like oh you smell really good
I am like trust me I still smell good if you a good 2 feet away LOL
Then he is chatting with the friends like what’s up with your girl. Friend #1 is like you have no idea He is like hook me up
She is like you aren’t ready
He is like but I am a good man... Friend #2 is like I have only known her for a little while and you are a man that is for sure but you may not be good enough for her
But apparently he is not letting a little challenger get in his way, right? (But he was funny)
And He says he can get me to marry him in 6 months
7 cause I am being difficult
Now here is the best part (cause I figure I will just spare you the mundane details and just put this all out there)
he is currently in a 10 yr relationship with an older woman (like 40+) and treats her like shit because he can talking about maybe I need to rescue him
OH WHAT THE FUCK?! How does that make you more appealing?Now me, remember when I said that sometimes I feel like the first man that comes along and shows me any type of interest I may give a chance to for fear of being alone? And I been asking God for someone to be honest with me and attracted to me etc etcWell God got jokes…because trust and believe alone is GOODI asked him (Z) why he could possibly want to marry me in 6-7 months
He said cause I am pretty, very sexy and he wants to bite meI took 2 steps back and was like NOT OK Hannibal… it was comedy all night…and he did end up getting close enough to kind of try to bite me cause when saying good night he was like what no handshake? I was like oh sure, no problem and then he pulled me in mad quick and nipped at my chin
I was like you so lucky friend #1 & #2 know you cause you are about to get cut here but I was laughing cause it was truly ridiculous...he got me with the handshake
but for all the chatness that was going on he stated every issue like he is not social, does not want to hang out with my friends or family only concerned about our ebb and flow he won’t cook, wants to live in BK- and I was like wow you would make SOMEONE a great guy (oozing sarcasm)He asked why not you
I said plainly cause remember our earlier conversation about standards (there was a convo about standards) well I know where mine are not intending anything against you but I know myself and what I am willing to accept
He was like ooh so you need someone that has a great relationship with their mother... i responded (dont know how you got there buddy) but i need someone that has relationships in good standing period (with God/ humans/friends/ and families) i also said if i am so fly then why he would not want to hang out with me & my fly friends (cause like attracts like..) he was like cause i would be jealous of the attention you give them and not meI was like I see (Uh oh, sounding possessive)
And you know there is compromise and there is outright foolery but all thru this in my head was everyone telling me 'your standards too high"/ I expect too much from dudes, my list of requirements is too much etc
But you see what happens when I lower the bar?I am not gonna disrespect him like that cause I don’t know him and I equate him to faux bro #1 (as in on paper looks wrong) but I know faux bro #1 and yeah he is a good guy who could be soo much better (not for me or my friends for that matter but there is a lid for every pot, no?)
And after all this—no he didn’t ask for the digits.
One of my male friends is like ooh this guy got charisma.
Thanks buddy…for your charisma.
At any event, it is all good cause really I do enjoy someone saying i am sexy. Hey why not!
How do I know this (cause you are not one to just assume these things) well we all laughing the bar and a Latin American dude one seat over is like hey pretty, enjoying your drink? (To me!) so I am flirting cause why the hell not (this dude could have been my Spanish father but it is fun) but ( tell me if I am crazy) dude (Z) is leaning on the bar, both arms covering the bar as I am sitting there, so it basically looks like he is hugging me WEIRD. being posessive and trying to block the old dude. how rude.
I am like yo, why you all up on meHe was like oh you smell really good
I am like trust me I still smell good if you a good 2 feet away LOL
Then he is chatting with the friends like what’s up with your girl. Friend #1 is like you have no idea He is like hook me up
She is like you aren’t ready
He is like but I am a good man... Friend #2 is like I have only known her for a little while and you are a man that is for sure but you may not be good enough for her
But apparently he is not letting a little challenger get in his way, right? (But he was funny)
And He says he can get me to marry him in 6 months
7 cause I am being difficult
Now here is the best part (cause I figure I will just spare you the mundane details and just put this all out there)
he is currently in a 10 yr relationship with an older woman (like 40+) and treats her like shit because he can talking about maybe I need to rescue him
OH WHAT THE FUCK?! How does that make you more appealing?Now me, remember when I said that sometimes I feel like the first man that comes along and shows me any type of interest I may give a chance to for fear of being alone? And I been asking God for someone to be honest with me and attracted to me etc etcWell God got jokes…because trust and believe alone is GOODI asked him (Z) why he could possibly want to marry me in 6-7 months
He said cause I am pretty, very sexy and he wants to bite meI took 2 steps back and was like NOT OK Hannibal… it was comedy all night…and he did end up getting close enough to kind of try to bite me cause when saying good night he was like what no handshake? I was like oh sure, no problem and then he pulled me in mad quick and nipped at my chin
I was like you so lucky friend #1 & #2 know you cause you are about to get cut here but I was laughing cause it was truly ridiculous...he got me with the handshake
but for all the chatness that was going on he stated every issue like he is not social, does not want to hang out with my friends or family only concerned about our ebb and flow he won’t cook, wants to live in BK- and I was like wow you would make SOMEONE a great guy (oozing sarcasm)He asked why not you
I said plainly cause remember our earlier conversation about standards (there was a convo about standards) well I know where mine are not intending anything against you but I know myself and what I am willing to accept
He was like ooh so you need someone that has a great relationship with their mother... i responded (dont know how you got there buddy) but i need someone that has relationships in good standing period (with God/ humans/friends/ and families) i also said if i am so fly then why he would not want to hang out with me & my fly friends (cause like attracts like..) he was like cause i would be jealous of the attention you give them and not meI was like I see (Uh oh, sounding possessive)
And you know there is compromise and there is outright foolery but all thru this in my head was everyone telling me 'your standards too high"/ I expect too much from dudes, my list of requirements is too much etc
But you see what happens when I lower the bar?I am not gonna disrespect him like that cause I don’t know him and I equate him to faux bro #1 (as in on paper looks wrong) but I know faux bro #1 and yeah he is a good guy who could be soo much better (not for me or my friends for that matter but there is a lid for every pot, no?)
And after all this—no he didn’t ask for the digits.
One of my male friends is like ooh this guy got charisma.
Thanks buddy…for your charisma.
At any event, it is all good cause really I do enjoy someone saying i am sexy. Hey why not!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Pearls o wisdom
coffee thought...
On another note...
maybe I need to wake up and NOT put black pepper in my coffee--
because while i love Coffee & Pepper equally I do not love them together.
maybe I need to wake up and NOT put black pepper in my coffee--
because while i love Coffee & Pepper equally I do not love them together.
that is my psa for today...
that's all...
that's all...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
coffee thought...
Coffee thought
Apparently I have been slacking on the thoughts lately and this is not
for lack of thoughtfulness buy because of late 'life' or something akin
to livelihood has been happening. Thus far in the previous weeks there
have been a myriad of breakups (of two marriages & then a five year
relationship) there has been a wedding shower that was divine in it's
garden party theme and decorations so that was a huge success. There
has been random acts of loneliness that were mixed in there. T+1 is
progressing nicely (yes there is a baby in there)! And that in and of
itself is enough to render anyone mute.
This past weekend I did a piece on an open mic held by travis and
buttaflysoul and it was such an amazing event. People were receptive
to my words and that kinda thrills me. Who knows this consistent
writing thing may catch on..
The family is the family as usual and what makes them highly
entertaining is the aspect of unfairness that we dwell in.
Specifically the wanting to make sure I don't do more work than u or
that u don't cheat me out my just rewards. We are brilliant in our
mission to make it look good bit sadly we lack the looking good part
sans me who tries to look fab every time.
More thoughts on life living love in a moment...
Apparently I have been slacking on the thoughts lately and this is not
for lack of thoughtfulness buy because of late 'life' or something akin
to livelihood has been happening. Thus far in the previous weeks there
have been a myriad of breakups (of two marriages & then a five year
relationship) there has been a wedding shower that was divine in it's
garden party theme and decorations so that was a huge success. There
has been random acts of loneliness that were mixed in there. T+1 is
progressing nicely (yes there is a baby in there)! And that in and of
itself is enough to render anyone mute.
This past weekend I did a piece on an open mic held by travis and
buttaflysoul and it was such an amazing event. People were receptive
to my words and that kinda thrills me. Who knows this consistent
writing thing may catch on..
The family is the family as usual and what makes them highly
entertaining is the aspect of unfairness that we dwell in.
Specifically the wanting to make sure I don't do more work than u or
that u don't cheat me out my just rewards. We are brilliant in our
mission to make it look good bit sadly we lack the looking good part
sans me who tries to look fab every time.
More thoughts on life living love in a moment...
Monday, May 10, 2010
i kind of dig this...
"if you want to be found...stand where the seeker seeks"
- Albus Dumbledor (Harry Potter)
Thank you JK for the simplest quote that makes the utmost where is my mark?
- Albus Dumbledor (Harry Potter)
Thank you JK for the simplest quote that makes the utmost where is my mark?
A good witch...

this is an excerpt from the NY Times (5/10/10)
Looking back at the age of 80, Ms. Horne said: "My identity is very clear to me now. I am a black woman. I'm free. I no longer have to be a 'credit.' I don't have to be a symbol to anybody; I don't have to be a first to anybody. I don't have to be an imitation of a white woman that Hollywood sort of hoped I'd become. I'm me, and I'm like nobody else."
Thank you for your accomplishments...Rest in Peace.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Thursday, May 06, 2010
coffee thought...
me: I have a stray hair
TRS: 'hmmm'
me (directed to the stray hair): I see you stray hair, I am coming for you!
TRS: 'If you have a bunch of stray hairs does that make them really stray?"
me (thoughtfully): Maybe that makes them a community...
TRS: 'hmmm' your an A$$
me (actually thinking..): are you saying that I am hairy??
sometimes my friends are hilarious...
TRS: 'hmmm'
me (directed to the stray hair): I see you stray hair, I am coming for you!
TRS: 'If you have a bunch of stray hairs does that make them really stray?"
me (thoughtfully): Maybe that makes them a community...
TRS: 'hmmm' your an A$$
me (actually thinking..): are you saying that I am hairy??
sometimes my friends are hilarious...
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