Born and raised in the South Bronx, New York (USA) I figured some thoughts, words, and musings of me would be entertaining- particularly because I say what I mean and of course I mean what I say. Yes, I am an educated African-American woman. Yes, I am a poet. Yes, I am emotional. Yes, I am strong. Yes, I am opinionated. Yes, I am single. Yes I am an avid drinker of coffee. Yes I am in constant struggle- oh and I can not spell, so don't judge [ok maybe a bit] Don't be scared, just be willing
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
oh what a way to get pancakes
OK I AM done cause if there is one thing u know about me it the love of the panqueque
later that night...
my panqueque experience was just that an experience in the sense that yes everyone loves a free pancake but the sheer stupidity oh the ihop i went to was beyond belief. we went like 7:20 what i feel was a reasonable time and of course there was a line (i mean this was moore than understandable since the pancakes were for a good cause) so it was a 20 mt wait.ok no prob. 20 minutes go by, we get a table. NICE. and the fun begins. the waitress walked by us no less than a total of 47 times, not a hi how are you or give me a moment i'll be right with you or anything to signify that I AM HERE. patiently waiting for acknowledgment <--story of my life, thought the story would be less a bummer waiting for pancakes! soo yeah this story does not have a happy ending... suffice to say i got pannycakes after trials and tribulations
coffee thought...
yeah i feeling a little down so i decided to have some good ole' Lipton Tea.
It soothes the soul..

that's all...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
coffee thought...
OK i get that as a person with a child one must travel to different places sometimes during my rush hour commute but
1) why have your deluxe model carriage in the middle of the passageway blocking the doors.
(remember rule #1- do not block the doors.)
2) then you young mother with backpack lean against the poll taking up 2/3 of the way so no one can hold on unless they grab thru you. (not happening)
3) child is wildly kicking in their carriage, while u my think it is cute to continue to give her gummy bears @ 8am I & the pants i laundered and ironed do not want to be bothered.
and with the Metrocard going up to $103 WTF?
can someone now chauffeur me to work daily??
that's all...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
coffee thought...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
coffee thought...
i mean they always have something to say about everything... (naturally)
for example a few cops were on the bus that i was riding to the train this morning.
this young black male hopped off the bus to let another person get on, but another dude got on the bus (not paying) in the back.
the cops asked the two of them, "hey did you just skip paying your fare?" now the kid who actually paid said no, i stepped out to let someone out. the other dude said yeah cause it was too crowded on the front of the bus, but held up his school metrocard (as if to show him he had one). Then some ignorant woman was like "awww leave them alone, don't bother the kids" mind you the COPS were really just doing their job. then the ignorant woman was like I wish y'all would do something to him (what? ask him harder questions???) she was like I will have Reverend Al here in a minute.
WHY OH WHY must you have this ignorance pre coffee? SHE would be the first one to want the police to help her if something went wrong..If someone stoled her bike or something SHE would be the one crying on TV like Whyy oh whyyy...
i know we as a people have a LONG history regarding people in authority and Cops in particularly but these cops are the same people (the good ones) who put their lives on the line daily for our safety. remember in Kindergarten we were told if we got lost or separated from our parents to find a cop. They were supposed to safely assist you to the return of the parental unit. Yeah, they are the ones with meager salaries & danger at every turn.
In the ghetto MANY harbor a particular distain for everything cop related.
I do not approve of the 41 warning shots or the blatant misuse of power that many times is a staple of the coppers around... but dammit the majority "protect & serve"
ok.. i'm done. carry on...
Monday, March 09, 2009
spring cleaning... although spring is officially a week away...
someone posed a question to one of my friends about me-
now with that said
it aint so.
Sometimes all a person is is all they will ever be.
Friday, March 06, 2009
agreeance- word for the day
Definitions *agreeance
Part of Speech:n
Definition: the act of agreeing
Example: Usage of the site constitutes agreeance with these terms.
Usage:considered obsolete and a bastardization of 'agreement’
BUT it is a word!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
mood swings
- NO, I still have not found counseling & at this point (about to be a year later what's the point?) what's done is done, what's not done is not done and move along.
- Still 'fighting' -the weight of myself is heavy (physically & mentally). I am trying to raise myself to some level of peace...this is a heavy load to bear that is not getting any easier or lighter to carry.
- This debt of mine is crushing me. Actually debt from every decision of my life is crushing me (good or bad decisions, how ironic the debt has to be paid at some point) whether it be the choice i made to go to school & get a degree= now I have to pay for it monthly to the tune of $700 to Mrs. Sallie Mae or the choice I make to drink tea & coffee each day= the non-white teeth I possess. Yes there is a price to be paid.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Monday, March 02, 2009
It's Snow Again
& in NYC the Board of Ed closed schools for this 'snow day'
i am up, commuting to work and being grown up managerial like.
no snow day for me.
:( maybe in my next lifetime
HB to a who's Who...

Sunday, March 01, 2009
Fish on FIRE!
Now, I can cook. Let me just put that out there. I am no Emeril Lagasse or Down home with the Neely's..but trust me a sista doesn't get this size with out knowing how to cook a meal or 2 or 3...
So I gather my ingredients:
- Fresh salmon (about 2 cuts)
- Scallion (2 stalks?)
- Onion (1 medium)
- garlic (about 1 Tbs)
- Rum (I choose Cruzan rum-151 proof)
- Butter (about 2 Tbs)
SO yeah I lay out all the ingredients and chop onion/ combine with garlic and wash fish and throw it in the pan, steaming it and sippin on some (rum hey why not)...
after the fish is about 1/2 way done (with my special seasonings) time to add the rum... so I pour about a 1/2 cup on (i like some inebriated fish) and put down the bottle (thankfully)
I go to shift the fish in the pan & did YOU know that rum is EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE???

yeah so apparently i am having salmon flambe or something like that...