SO I have been craving some Salmon in the worst way recently (
thinking it is a healthier option than a Big Mac or other dealings...) specifically been craving some
Rum Painted Jerk Salmon from a lil restaurant called
Negril Village, but with the $22 price tag, I cannot afford that on a regular basis..hence my cooking.
Now, I can cook. Let me just put that out there. I am no Emeril Lagasse or Down home with the Neely's..but trust me a sista doesn't get this size with out knowing how to cook a meal or 2 or 3...
So I gather my ingredients:
- Fresh salmon (about 2 cuts)
- Scallion (2 stalks?)
- Onion (1 medium)
- garlic (about 1 Tbs)
- Rum (I choose Cruzan rum-151 proof)
- Butter (about 2 Tbs)
SO yeah I lay out all the ingredients and chop onion/ combine with garlic and wash fish and throw it in the pan, steaming it and sippin on some (rum hey why not)...
after the fish is about 1/2 way done (with my special seasonings) time to add the rum... so I pour about a 1/2 cup on (i like some inebriated fish) and put down the bottle (thankfully)
I go to shift the fish in the pan & did YOU know that rum is EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE???

yeah so apparently i am having salmon flambe or something like that...
fast forward 2 minutes and now i have 2 options, call 911 and get the sexy firemen here OR call the brother (chef bean) to see what he thinks...
i figure since i am not properly dressed (or not?) for the sexy firemen I should call the brother.
Chef: hey Tash, What's up?
me: oh, nothing..just..if you put alcohol on something on the stove, like fish, about how long should it burn before you get concerned?
Chef: Well, since typically you put about a teaspoon or tablespoon of alcohol on something it should burn off in like 30 seconds to a minute...
me: (gasp) 30 seconds huh? so I guess if I put more rum than 2 tablespoons on would take longer to burn off?
Chef: how much rum did you put on the salmon?
me: about a 1/2 cup give or take...
Chef: OF RUM??? on how much fish? were you trying to drown it? give it a hangover??
me: what can i say? I like a lil rum
Chef: (LAUGHING) So how long has it been burning?
me: about 6 minutes..kinda
Chef: (LAUGHING MORE< thanks) well OK, you can cover it with a top to stop the oxygen from feeding the flames & you should be able to eat the fish afterwards; it should not be all burnt up and Cajun like. Next time Tash,...just don't.
me: right right...thanks dude..later
Yeah, another 3 minutes later.. it finally burns off and viola PERFECTLY cooked salmon...part I have to make the jerk seasoning...
wish me luck!
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