green cookies- the devil in disguise |
Have I every told you about the story of
the green cookies?? (
The cookies pictured here were undoubtedly part of some professionally baked platter delivered to my office for the triage folks- folks here to help with the summer doings in the place of employment) Well, I will not- under any circumstances- eat a green cookie.
Why you may ask? When there is a chocolate center involved you may ask?
Well... it all started with a Betty Crocker Cooky Bookl I got when I was a little gal. This book (
red cover, loads of cookies on the front) was like manna from heaven- I was able to read thru it and recognizing I had most if not all of the ingredients at home deceived to try to bake something.
My specialty was a Bon-bon cookie. with some glaze thing on the top.
The brother
ironically the chef- decided to make a green cookie (
cause you can add food coloring to anything according to my mother) and we were gonna surprise her. Well, we were measuring everything up & baking up a storm and using every pan in tarnation. (
I believe the other brother's job was to wash the dishes and taste test-- considering he was too young to do anything.)
My bon- bons came out smashing and delectable. and a tannish color. prize winning.
Chef's cookies-- well apparently the tablespoon was used instead of a teaspoon when measuring the salt and these green cookies were the horrible-est tasting things on the planet.
I mean wretched. And because we were so proud of them that we presented them to Mommy (
so this was after '86) and she
lovingly took a bite of each.
I think I visibly witnessed her bold pressure rise as she ate the green cookie.
The things she did for us children. She politely questioned how much salt did we actually put in the cookie and when chef explained that to her, she was like um baby, that was supposed to be a teaspoon, not tablespoon (
and I am sure we didn't even use a tablespoon we just winged it- probably used a serving spoon which is worse).
I believe we all collectively tried to eat another cookie and this is where I think I developed high-blood pressure
OK maybe not but ever since then...
I refuse to eat any green cookie since my taste buds are still scarred. Then when I learned that green on things typically signify mold--
no thank you.
It is a good thing the
chef was not 'disheartened' by this experience... as he continued (
and continues) to experiment in the kitchen and come up with crazy culinary concoctions..
but did I tell you about the time he made us all hot tea and put lemon and milk in each cup?
no one told him it was one or the other and not both)...
there was a line for the bathroom that night...
sigh... the good old days.