apparently Mother Nature decided to drop some more snow on us so that we can be reminded who is boss… pics for you to see…and guess what WE GOT A SNOW DAY! Yup work was cancelled and I got an extra day off…
Born and raised in the South Bronx, New York (USA) I figured some thoughts, words, and musings of me would be entertaining- particularly because I say what I mean and of course I mean what I say. Yes, I am an educated African-American woman. Yes, I am a poet. Yes, I am emotional. Yes, I am strong. Yes, I am opinionated. Yes, I am single. Yes I am an avid drinker of coffee. Yes I am in constant struggle- oh and I can not spell, so don't judge [ok maybe a bit] Don't be scared, just be willing
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
coffee thought...
what will happen if i put foot cream on my ass?
i mean they are both rich & creamy & supposed to soften the skin...
will that make me less of a hard ass??
that's all...
Monday, February 22, 2010
looking for the money tree
cause right now it is kind of nearing the end of the month & my bank account is hanging on by a wing and a prayer that my student loan payment coming out on 2/28 does not put me into the deep blood red of overdraftiness...
I vowed to be more fiscally responsible and trying to stop charging with the credit cards so that I may be free (financially) from the pits of hell and subjugation of the credit card companies each month--think of how much free money I would have in my paycheck? maybe not too too much seeing as how I am making minimum payments on most of them-- but someday I wish to own a home where I can roll around in a full or *gasp* queen bed of my choice. Have ample closet space for a variety of sensuous shoes and sensible ones to boot-but not too many cause waste not want not. I don't know what it will take for me to want that more than I want whatever it is I purchase on a monthly/weekly basis to fill the missing pieces of my current life BUT I have to figure it our before I am really in over my head.
so i just visited suze orman's page for helpful hints to get on track and know where i am in the grand scheme of things and know what I have to do to make debt free a reality...
Well where did I think I was? I thought I was about $10,000 in credit-card debt
Where am I? I owe exactly $5,572 (check that out...)
What does that mean? well I owe LB $188.20 & kohls $136.26 (which both could be paid off by April cause they both carry a 23% interest rate! conveniently issued by the same bank)
Then I owe Visa $1473.12 which carries a 21.24% interest rate & then capital one ($2898.68/ 18% interest) & finally Chase (876.15/ 17% interest)...
What gets me (besides putting this out here) is that why am I carrying such HIGH interest rates? well because I ignored the 'warnings' . Yes there were signs, last year Obama signed into law this credit card reform where Banks had to disclose all the terms on each card and banks cannot erroneously raise fees for no reason. SO before this stuff went into law today banks on the sly were raising fees and beginning to charge higher fees & annual cardholder fees etc.
My bad, I didn't pay attention to that and all the disclosures in the mail that preceded today but
WATCH me now.. I will be debt free and still be able to LIVE.
Friday, February 19, 2010
night thoughts
case in point for the last month the elder bro has been in the hospital for various reasons surrounding breathing, weight, thoughts, moving to a nursing home and ultimately needing to have an oxygen tank 24/7. he is currently still in the nursing home & called me because needs me to request a day pass for him, come pick him up, take him to his former apartment (which he has been un-ceremoniously removed from) so he can pack & find storage for his stuff until he gets a new place. he didn't ask, just told me what he needed.
now i feel like i am falling into the position of 'do-everything' woman that me+therapy been trying to cope with & i also feel like i am falling into this me taking my mom's place in the family with one major difference--- it is soooo wrapped up in resentment & like questions it is crazy! like i would do anything for my family (right & this extends to friends) but because this request is just assumed & it is who i am i am supposed to continue with my lot and mosey on.
i don't know... & that is only issue one.
on a lesser but still annoying scale is the current over eating i indulged in today which is wrecking havoc on the digestion. soooo not gonn happen again...
and then we have therapy...yes i am in. it is an interesting thing to talk about yourself with someone who is entirely there for you (even at $30/ hour). what have i learned 6 weeks in???? soooo many issues (and i am the sane/ responsible one, go figure)
but we are tackling issues about mom (am normal in my grieving still), work ( why don't people do their job?) weight ( breathing/exercise et al), love ( hahahaha) and sex (""") oooh more to come...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Is damn a curse?
when i was a kid and bordering on the 'oh i'm telling' edge i kind of recall that saying damn was almost not able to get ya in trouble.
now today as an adult with an impressive command of the 'foul language' i am contemplating giving up cursing for lent.
normally i give up something like chocolate or an occassional red meat or something of the sorts but cursing?? i dont when we give up something for 40 days etc is it supposed to be something that i truly love? will miss? is a real & true sacrafice? all that can be said about the use of a well placed censored word or 2 (or 3 or more strung together in a fabolous statement of how i really feel about you...) which brings me back to my original damn a curse? am i immediately looking for a way to cheat the system here/ make it easier for me to cope?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
coffee thought...
Of course this means if you don't have a lover, you have a longer time to sulk about it...
or in my case shop for more shoes...
that's all...
Oh wait that is not all....

OK that's all... for now....
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Kind of in a 'New Space'
as we go back in time to last week (2/1/10) we had to be OUT of the old building & our stuff was packed to go to this new place. OK cool however they were not going to take my plant as the movers were not going to be responsible for the muderation of said plant so i had to go get it. Fine. I go, rescue the plant and go over to the new space.
Fast forward to walking plant in hand 8 blocks to hear various comments [oh, is it take your plant for a walk day today?ooh for me you shouldn't have] to take elevator up and open doors- right smack dab into major construction. I am like woah woah umm ...? This construction dude is like oh your moving in today- go to the left. I go to the left thru some hanging lights (really hanging) to some freshly painted walls thru to a glass fishbowl of a conference room (soundproof/ cool) see office #'s 730. I walk under an low beam, past a door that lead absolutely no where (office #'s are now 740's) and I am getting frustrated cause I am literally going in circles *since I past this fishbowl/conference room before!
I spot very cute construction dude on a ladder like, "aww for me" -- and it could be BUT I decided to keep that to myself and simply say "Well you can have it IF you know where 789 is"? he is like "sure this way, let me take you". Fine, I don't mind walking besides a handsome male (while i am carrying a cute potted plant) so we walk.I ask- working hard?? He replies- Yup. I say this office was suppsoed to be completed weeks ago. He replies- Yup. I ask (as we are still walking past office #'s 760) are you union? He replies Yup & this is as far as I can take you. Right back to #730. WTF??
Now, the same initial gentleman who sent me left comes past us and is like looking for 789 huh? Over this way, a RIGHT when you get off the elevator. Dude, when did that happen?
I enter this vast space & find...MY SPACE...

i tried for a panaromic view of the cube...
(I have no words other than... I still have a job in this economy...)
coffee thought...
(i think it is pretty bold to charge that much for coffee to begin with but...)
((and more on lifes happenings to come...))
that's all...
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
coffee thought...
#1- so people been saying (on FB) to go to and type in your first name and put the first thing it says...
- The name Natasha (Russian) means Christmans Day or birthday. It is usually used to portray desirable and enviable female characters in film, literature, etc. Most Natasha's are beautiful. They exude mystery and seduction.
#2- Google doodle---

#3- so am 'in' the new space and it is not all it is cracked up to be. I mean talk about downsizing... and I haven't unpacked.
that's all...
Monday, February 01, 2010
coffee thought...
Thinking about this new cubicle I will be in tomorrow. I can't go there today cause I am 'needed' at the other office...Apparently the 'move' to the new space entails a bathroom not working, the elevators to the 7th floor not working and no kitchen area/microwave.
But I am still employed, right?
that's all...