as we go back in time to last week (2/1/10) we had to be OUT of the old building & our stuff was packed to go to this new place. OK cool however they were not going to take my plant as the movers were not going to be responsible for the muderation of said plant so i had to go get it. Fine. I go, rescue the plant and go over to the new space.
Fast forward to walking plant in hand 8 blocks to hear various comments [oh, is it take your plant for a walk day today?ooh for me you shouldn't have] to take elevator up and open doors- right smack dab into major construction. I am like woah woah umm ...? This construction dude is like oh your moving in today- go to the left. I go to the left thru some hanging lights (really hanging) to some freshly painted walls thru to a glass fishbowl of a conference room (soundproof/ cool) see office #'s 730. I walk under an low beam, past a door that lead absolutely no where (office #'s are now 740's) and I am getting frustrated cause I am literally going in circles *since I past this fishbowl/conference room before!
I spot very cute construction dude on a ladder like, "aww for me" -- and it could be BUT I decided to keep that to myself and simply say "Well you can have it IF you know where 789 is"? he is like "sure this way, let me take you". Fine, I don't mind walking besides a handsome male (while i am carrying a cute potted plant) so we walk.I ask- working hard?? He replies- Yup. I say this office was suppsoed to be completed weeks ago. He replies- Yup. I ask (as we are still walking past office #'s 760) are you union? He replies Yup & this is as far as I can take you. Right back to #730. WTF??
Now, the same initial gentleman who sent me left comes past us and is like looking for 789 huh? Over this way, a RIGHT when you get off the elevator. Dude, when did that happen?
I enter this vast space & find...MY SPACE...

i tried for a panaromic view of the cube...
(I have no words other than... I still have a job in this economy...)
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