Why so philosophical in the am? Well a few reasons- 1) I am up. I put my car on the wrong side of the road- the side where I got to wake up at 7 am to move the car. It forced me to shorten my sleep and get up and go. Now while I was gonna drive all the way to work and just pay for parking and suck I up cause I am blessed to be able to do that if need be- a parking space opened up for me. Yes. That works. So now I was in place for Thursday and can get into work early. 2) I waked to the bus and met bro #2 there and we took the bus together. He is one funny dude pre coffee- laughing at this kid who momma just gave home some act right on public transportation. I would say I miss those days, but that is one thing I DO NOT miss from my childhood. 3) do you recall that last year...oh about March 2011 I sent a package to my cuzzo in Bermuda? Well apparently between US customs and BDA customs and the Bermuda Triangle, it was never delivered. I filed a complaint, called US and BDA customs, and was generally irate about the whole situation. I spent $30 on the darn shipping + $$ on the items inside + handmade my Aunt a card to lift her spirits as she is/was in cancer treatments and wanted to send a lil note. Darn thing was never delivered and I truly felt bad and ashamed cause I kept promising my cuzzo that I would re-purchase the items and send to her and she was like she will send me more $$ and I was like no, she never got the items in the first place so why make her pay again. Truthfully, I was also ashamed and didn't go to BDA last year as I felt with this box not being delivered my integrity/ honesty was in question and my ability to mail a box was questioned. [I know...I know...]
Fast forward 14 months....
colorful arse box...probably what triggered the 14 month inspection... |
She busted out laughing at this. The post office lady in BDA said, hmmm from March, this usually don't take this long to get here... She told her to check the dates on the stamps and slip and when she saw it was over a year ago, she was flabbergasted! She could not verify how long it was in BDA customs or if it was truly just received.
Well, I am glad she received the items as I really wanted her to receive the things I sent (of course) and I really wanted my Aunt to get her card. My Aunt called me yesterday to thank me for the card, as she was having a rough day yesterday and this lifted her spirits.
This box arrived right when it was supposed to.
God works in mysterious ways.
I guess good thing nothing was time sensitive in there... (or worse).
Oh, let's check my horoscope:
Gemini Horoscope for May 30, 2012
Instead of trying to schedule every minute of your busy day, let things unfold naturally. Calendars and alarm clocks are useful, but they can inhibit your creativity and interfere with a day's natural rhythm. Take off your watch, and mark time by the quality of the light outside your window. Think of your daily tasks in a looser, more relaxed way -- don't worry about sticking to a plan. This will free up your energy and keep ideas flowing all day long.
sounds like a plan. I love it when i am in tune with the world...makes me feel more connected, more sane, more.
that's all...