Thursday, July 31, 2014

Today's Gemini Extended Horoscope

Gemini, Daily Extended Horoscope, Thursday, July 31st:

You're full of groundbreaking ideas right now. And they're not selfish -- you're all about contributing to humanity and establishing a niche on this crazy planet. Even if you can only improve your small corner of the world, you'll consider it a success. So what if people call you idealistic or a bleeding heart? You know what you're all about and you know what makes you tick. Let the naysayers spew their negativity. Your karma is as shiny as gold.

Yeah baby, I am all about that life...
karma, she ain't that b*tch today (or maybe she is dressed impeccably that i cant recognize her)
but I am establishing my niche in this crazy planet by clearing the boxes out my rooms in my apartment little by little and letting go of things I thought were important...
funny, how the things we hold on to and end up moving sometimes don't matter anymore.
well, maybe they matter but I guess if it serves no purpose (no improvements or anything happening because of said object) then what am i holding on to it for?

that's all...

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